sacrifice (bxg)

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dom-prince zuko

context- the fire nation wanted to conquer the water tribe and destroy their shrine, so they gift something to please prince zuko, a women

kinks- mild degrading, master kink, masterbation


In the heart of the Fire Nation, a young prince named Zuko sat upon his throne, his eyes scanning the map with an intense gaze. He was determined to bring destruction upon the Water Tribes for their continuous defiance.

His plan was simple, offer the Water Tribes a peaceful solution - a beautiful young woman as sacrifice to appease the Fire Nation. And so, Katara, a bold and seductively beautiful waterbender, found herself in the heart of the Fire Nation, facing her fate. "You are a beauty beyond compare, Katara," he said with a smirk, his eyes lingering on her curves. "I cannot believe they've sent you as tribute." He moved closer to her, his body exuding dominance.

"Your mother must be proud," Katara retorted, trying to hide her fear behind a mask of sarcasm. "If you touch me, I swear I'll drown your palace down." Her voice was firm, but there was an undeniable tremble in it. "You have spirit, Katara," he said with a chuckle that held no humor. "But don't worry, I won't touch you unless you beg for it." He circled her like a predator, his eyes burning into hers.

"Oh, I'll make you beg, alright," Zuko growled, grabbing her chin roughly. "But not for mercy. You'll beg for my cock." He pushed her against the wall, his hardness pressing against her through their clothes. Katara tried to push him away, but it was like pushing a boulder. Her heart raced as he continued to grind against her, making her wet with anticipation. "Please... don't do this," she whispered, hating herself for sounding so needy.

he smirked, feeling her wetness against his cock. "Oh, I think I will," he said before pulling away and walking to his chambers. He couldn't wait to make her beg for him, to break her spirit and mold her into his perfect pet. she lay there trembling, her body aching for him as she waited for Zuko to return. She could feel herself getting wetter at the thought of him claiming her again. She bit her lip nervously, not sure what he had in store for her but knowing it would be intense.

After a while, Zuko finally returned to the room where she was waiting. He wore a smirk on his face as he approached her, his cock already hardening at the sight of her trembling form. Katara's trembling intensified as he bent down to her level. She could feel his cock pressing against her aching pussy, and she knew what he wanted. But when he asked if she wanted him, she couldn't bring herself to say yes.

her heart raced as Zuko stood up, leaving her once again. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to will away the need that was coursing through her body. But when he returned, she knew she wouldn't be able to resist him any longer. Five hours later, Katara was a mess. Her body ached for release, and every time she thought about Zuko, her pussy would throb with need. She couldn't believe how much she wanted him now.

Katara desperately tried to please herself, but no matter what she did, it just wasn't enough. She needed Zuko's cock inside her, pounding away until she was screaming with pleasure. she groaned in frustration as she tried to rub her swollen clit, but found herself falling halfway through. Her desire for him had taken over every part of her being, leaving her weak and needy.

Zuko couldn't help but smirk as he walked in on Katara's failed attempt at pleasuring herself. He knew he was the only one who could truly satisfy her now. "You really are pathetic," he said with a mix of amusement and lust. "Come here." she couldn't help but feel humiliated by Zuko's words, but she had no choice. She crawled over to him, her body aching for his touch. "Please," she whispered, looking up at him with pleading eyes. "I need you."

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