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Grace's P.O.V

The next morning, I was gathering up dirty clothes for us to wash later today. I walked down the dirt path carrying a laundry basket full of dirty clothes, soaps, and the handwashing boards.

Clive was playing with Sophia, Carl, and Morales's kids by the tents.

As I was about to walk to the truck to load the basket, when the sound of a scream filled my ears. Panic started to fill throughout the entire camp, "Carl?!" Lori called out, before looking into the direction it came from.

A panicked look came onto my face, "Clive!!" I called out, dropping the basket from my hands and sprinting towards where the screams came from. Lori, Rick, Shane, Morales, Jim, Glenn, Dale, and Carol followed behind me.

A worried look was on my face, as I ran through the woods, "Clive?!"

We heard both him, Sophia, and Clive scream in response.

"Carl, sweetie!!" Mom called out.

"Clive!!" I called out, "Bubby!!"

With our calls out to the kids the only response that came out was screams. It only made us worry more.

We ran through the bushes until Jacqui ran Carl, Sophia, and Clive towards the top of the camp. A look of relief came over me once I saw that they were safe.

I got down on my knees, as Clive ran into my arms, "Are you okay, bub? Did anything bite you or scratch you?" I quickly asked her.

"No, nothing happened to me Aunt Grace." He said, pulling away from me. I pushed his bangs out of his face, as his eyes stared down at me, "I wanted to kill it, but I was afraid. I tried to be brave like dad and mom, but I got scared."

"It's okay, Clive." I soothed, a light smile on my face, "All that matters is that you're safe."

The sound of the guys killing the Walker started to fill my ears. I looked up to see Andrea and Amy walking down the pathway where the men were. They were standing in the pathway watching them kill the Walker.

I looked to my nephew, "Stay with Lori and Carol, okay?" I asked, raising my brows. I stood up to my feet, and started to walk over to their side, when he stopped me, "What are you going to do?"

My blue eyes shifted over to him, "I'm going to help them kill it." I replied, I pointed over to where Lori and Carl were, "Go to Lori, and wait until I get back."

Clive stared at me for a couple of seconds, before nodding.

I turned over to Andrea and Amy, and started to walk down the dirt path towards them. I walked around the two girls, and watched as Dale took a hatchet and cut the Walker's head off.

"Holy shit.." I said, stepping out next to Glenn.

Dale's eyes stayed on the Walker, "That's the first one we had up here." His eyes shifted over to Shane, "They never come up this far up the mountain."

My eyes glanced between them, "They must be running out of food in the city." I said, raising my brows a bit, as Jim walks over to stand behind the deer.

Shane's eyes shifted over to me, "I have to agree with you there, Grace." He says, nodding to me.

We then heard the sound of ruffling coming from the woods. I pulled out my dagger from my pocket, and opened it up. Shane stepped out in front of us, as he held his gun up in the direction.

A bit of a nervous look was on Glenn's face, "Is it another one of those things?"

I glanced over at him, "Possibly."

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