Picture Me in the Trees

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The R.V had broken down halfway to the C.D.C.

Everyone was out of their vehicles except for Jacqui and Jim. She was in the R.V with him trying to keep his fever down. Carl, Sophia, and Clive were still in the car talking.

Rick and Dale were by the engine of the R.V, while Daryl stood next to Andrea and me. Shane had a pair of binoculars trying to find something for us to use.

Dale sighs, "I told you we'd never get far on that hose." He says, looking up at Rick, "I needed the one from the cube van."

"Can you jury-rig it?" Rick asks him, cocking his brow.

"That's all it's been so far, it's more duct tape than hose." The older man replies, raising his brows, "And I'm out of duct tape."

"I see something up ahead." Shane says, pulling the binoculars down. T-Dog walked over and stood next to him. Shane's eyes shifted over to his best friend, "Maybe it's a gas station if we're lucky."

"Guys!" Jacqui exclaims, running out of the door of the R.V, "It's Jim, it's bad." She says, standing in front of us, a distressed look on her face as her eyes glanced between us, "I don't think he can take it anymore."

A bit of a sad look started to come onto my face, "Oh no.."

"Hey, Rick," Shane says, he looks over at him, "You want to hold down the fort? I'll drive ahead and see what I can bring back."

T-Dog looks at him, and nods, "Yeah, I'll come too, and I'll back you up."

I nodded, "I'll go too." I said, taking steps closer to him. Shane looks over at me, "No, Grace, you need to stay here with the group-"

My brows furrowed, "Shane, I can help-"

"And you need to help here." He says, sternly, "If anything happens while we're gone, you can help defend the group."

I stared at him for a second, before nodding.

Shane's eyes turned to everyone else, "Keep your eyes open." He glances over at T-Dog, "We'll be right back."

Lori gave him a light nod, before him and T-Dog took off towards the gas station. I turned around and walked towards the back of the car Clive and I had rode in.

I began to lean against the back of the car, as I blew out air, "Oh, jeez, where are you, guys?" I murmur to myself, talking about my brothers.

I sat by myself for a couple seconds, before I heard footsteps coming over towards me, "You aren't taking a piss over here, aren't you?" I heard Daryl ask.

A bit of a puzzled look came onto my face, "No?" I scoffed, looking over at him, "Why?" I asked, smiling lightly as he walked over to me.

He shrugged lightly, not saying anything. He takes a breath, "What are you doing back here by yourself?" My brow began to cock, "Why do you care?" I asked, smiling a bit. He scoffed quietly, "What makes you think I don't?"

I stared at him for a second, before shaking my head.

"So, is it just you and your boy?" He asks, a bit of a curious look coming his face. I felt a smile come onto my face, "Are you trying to make small talk with me, Dixon?" I teased a bit.

He perked up a bit, and be barely began to shake his head, "No-"

"You are too!" I exclaimed a bit, pulling myself off of the back of the car.

"I am not!" He replies, taking a step back.

All I did was smile at him, as I brushed my hair behind my ear. I took a breath, "But Clive's not mine." I mumbled, shaking my head a bit, "He's my older brother, Dean's, kid."

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