Chapter 4

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[3rd Pov] [Location - Gotham]

After dealing with Ivy, Gwen ended up following Batman to his batmobile, where he basically dropped her on Gordon, much to her annoyance.

Currently, she is in the Gotham police station, with Gordon sitting in his office chair in front of her "Alright kid, I've contacted some friends of mine, and they got me the necessary paperwork for you to legally exist. You just need to fill these out" Gordon says, handing her a small pile of papers.

Looking the papers over, Gwen hummed, they were basic for the most part, with the basic questions being her age, name, gender, birthdate, birthplace, and some other stuff. Filling the paper out, Gwen stopped on the birthdate and birthplace section. She was born on January 1st in her previous life, but she wasn't sure if that was the case in this life as well.

[The user's birthdate is the same]

Gwen blinked at the notification, before filling that area out, as January 1st, 1993. After that, it was the birthplace that was the problem, noticing her hesitation, Gordon glanced at the paper before speaking "Just place it as Gotham kid, I'll deal with the rest" Hearing this, Gwen gave the man a grateful nod, and filled the final parts of the form out.

"So...who's the guy that had the power to do something like this?" Gwen asked, already having a feeling she knew the answer. Gordon didn't say anything and just gave her a mysterious smile.

"Now that you have this filled out, you'll need to wait for another couple of hours so that I and my friend can finish the hard parts. After that you'll either be put into the foster system, or adopted" Gordon said, not revealing that his "friend" was already getting ready to adopt the girl as his own. Why? Gordon didn't know, but trusted his friends judgement in stuff like this.

Hearing this, Gwen nodded "Well that's good I guess, and uh, what do I do in the meantime?" Gordon chuckled at this, and pulling out a book before handing it to her.

"History of the Founding of Gotham" Gwen read out loud, before looking at Gordon with a deadpan. Gordon sweatdropped at the look "It shouldn't take too long, now, I gotta go and finish up these papers!" Gordon said, practically sprinting out of the room "Hey, wait! You can't just...and he's gone" Gwen sighed out.

"Well...I guess reading it is" Gwen groaned out. She was half tempted to use the 3 SL tickets she had but decided to save them until she was in a safer location, preferably one that wasn't out in the open.

[A few hours later]

A couple of hours had passed, and Gwen was...bored, so so bored. She had finished the book within an hour, and had already taken a mini nap, but now? Now she was just sitting, staring at the ceiling with a bored expression. 'Who knew it took so long to make up an entire background for someone that didn't previously exist' Gwen thought with a sigh, before she heard the sound of people approaching.

Turning she found Gordon standing there, alongside another tall man, with short black hair, and was weearing a suit.

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