Chapter 16

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Huge thanks to Chelsea, Soulsmsher, Asmodeus, and John for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[3rd Pov] [Location - Santa Prisca]

After dealing with the two different groups of goons, the team was standing, contemplating what to do next. Gwen had dealt with a majority of them herself, after realizing that there was a bit more goons than she had originally thought.

"Those uniforms, they're from the cult of the Kobra" Gwen said, looking over a group of goons, webbed to a tree.

"I am certain Batman would have mentioned it if he knew a dangerous extremist was running Santa Prisca's venom operation" Kaldur said, knowing that that was an important piece of information, that Batman would not have left out.

"Meaning he didn't know of them. And considering the way the two groups were fighting, chances are Koba came in and took over the place" Gwen said, with Dick adding on "Which is why the normal supply lines were cut off"

"We get it. Kobra wanted super cultists. Mystery solved. Radio bats, and we'll be home in time-" "These cultists aren't on venom. Kobra's hoarding the stuff. We don't leave. Not until I know why" Dick said, cutting off Wally before he could finish.

Gwen sighed, and stepped back to to M'gann's side. She already knew what was about to break out between the two, and didn't really want any part of it. M'gann glanced at her in slight confusion, before listening as the two boys began to argue.

"Until you know why?" Wally asked in slight disbelief. "This team needs a leader" Dick replied.

"And it's you? Dude, you're a 13-year-old kid who ducked out on us without a word" Wally replied with a scoff. "Ha Ha! And you're a mature 15? You blew our cover the first chance you got" Dick replied with a soft laugh.

"Don't you want to lead?" M'gann asked on the side, knowing now why Gwen backed up from the two. "Nah, leading isn't really my thing. What about you?" Gwen replied. Even if she had all the knowledge required to lead, and technically more experience than anyone in the group combined, she still didn't really want to. Not with what she was planning on doing in the future.

"After the Mr. Twister fiasco?" M'gann replied with her hands up in denial. "I wasn't there, but it sounded like you did alright" Gwen replied with a smile.

M'gann hearing this blushed slightly, and softly played with a strand of her hair, tucking it behind her ear. Gwen smirked at the reaction, before noticing Superboy listening in on a conversation.

"I'm assuming the macho libre over there is planning?" Gwen asked, glancing at Superboy, who nodded. She wasn't the biggest fan of the boy, but she noticed he was getting better, slowly at least.

A chuckle radiated through the area, as Dick and Wally continued to argue "Such clever Ninos. But you only know half the story. Let me show you the rest, get you into my factory via my secret entrance" The macho libre looking man said.

'So that's bane of this universe? He's...underwhelming' Gwen thought looking over the man. Thanks to the memories she has, she knew of the comic version of the man, and knew he was far more threatening and dangerous than this wannabe.

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