Chapter 9

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Huge thanks to Aron, Elder_Entity, and RavenSystem for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!
[3rd Pov] [Location - Wayne Manor]

What caused such a happy reaction from Gwen? Well...the rewards she got were...good to say the least.

[Characters Chosen!]
Toxin | Symbiote - Marvel Earth 616
A powerful symbiote that is born from Carnage. Stronger than both Venom and Carnage combined. This symbiote does not have sentience, and is automatically bonded to the user. Only the user may make use of this symbiote. Improves all of the users physical capabilities, drastically, as in, improves the users physical strength so that they can lift roughly 80-100 tons. Also has all the natural abilities of Carnage and Venom, but to a higher extent.

Marc Spector | Moon Knight - Marvel Earth 616
The fist, and high priest of the moon god, Khonshu. Improves all of the users natural capabilities, and increases the users strength further at night, when under the moon. Is now the divine champion of Khonshu himself, who does not technically exist in this universe. Should the user travel to Marvel, Khonshu will still allow you to remain as his champion. The user also does not need to breathe any longer, and is functionally immortal. Also includes the mans impressive martial art knowledge, telepathic resistance, and his other helpful knowledge.

Steve Rogers | Captain America - Marvel Earth 616
The Star Bangled man himself, and one of the greatest heroes to America, within the Marvel universe. Includes his superhuman physical capabilities, master martial art knowledge, masterful skill in tactics and strategy, as well as all other important/helpful knowledge. Sadly does not include his oh so special shield.

Peter Parker | Spiderman - Marvel Earth 616
The man himself, the original Spiderman, and the one everyone knows and loves. One of the smartest individuals in the Marvel universe, and a master martial artist. Includes all of his helpful knowledge, his natural spiderman capabilities, and every other natural ability he has, that is helpful. His spider sense combines with the users, to improve it even further.

Miles Morales | Spiderman - Marvel Earth 1610
The spiderman from Earth 1610, that had been trapped in the Earth 616 universe. Includes his bio-electric abilities (venom blast, venom beam, venom punch, etc), and all his other natural abilities and knowledge. His spidersense combines with the users, increasing it even more, this also includes the radar sense part of his spidersense, that he has developed, that allows him to see through solid matter, to be aware of potential threats.

Richard Drakunovski | Richard Dragon - DC Prime Earth
One of the best martial artists in the DC universe, on par with the likes of Lady Shiva, Batman, and several others. Includes his knowledge on martial arts, meditation, philosophy, and all other helpful/important knowledge.

Dick Grayson | Nightwing - DC Prime Earth
The best of the Robins, in terms of Martial arts, and a master martial artist in his own right. Not as good as the likes of Lady Shiva and Batman, Dick Grayson is still amongst the best in the DC universe. Includes his knowledge on martial arts, hacking, forensic science, and all other helpful/important knowledge.

Connor Hawke | Green Arrow - DC Prime Earth
The son of Oliver Queen, and another bearer of the Green Arrow name. One of the best martial artists in the entirety of the DC universe. Includes his masterful knowledge on martial arts, archery, and all his other natural abilities and knowledge.

Selena Kyle | Catwoman - DC Prime Earth
The best cat burglar in Gotham, and a skilled thief. Includes her knowledge on seduction, stealth, stealing, martial arts, and all other helpful/important knowledge.

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