4 - Cut Off

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It was already night, and Crimea was on his bedroom, ready for the raid that he planned with Kureha, he was wearing a tight black shirt, black baggy sweatpants and combat oriented boots. It was a comfortable enough fit, complemented with black gloves to avoid leaving his digits marked everywhere.

Crimea sat on the bed, grabbing the 'Blood Maiden' from it's usual spot bellow the bed. He removed the clean blade from it's confines and made sure it was sharp, which it was. He then sighed and put it back on the sheath, grabbing his backpack and thinking if he should bring it or not.

He opted to not bring the backpack, thinking that since Kureha's SUV would be there, they could store any find there, safe with Castro.

It wasn't long before his phone vibrated in his pockets, he brought it up and saw a notification, it was a message from Kureha: "We're outside your window, Crim"

He nodded and opened the windown door, jumping off it and landing next to the SUV. "Yo" He said, standing up straight and waving at Kureha, who exited the vehicle, wearing a also black bodysuit, that had a lot of attachments to it.

"Ready?" She asked, as Castro opened a door for Crimea.

"Guess so" Crimea responded, hoping inside the SUV, and then turning to Kureha, who sat besides him and closed the door. "So, what are we expecting to find inside?" Crimea asked, grabbing the mask that was on his pocket and putting it on, covering half his face.

Kureha nodded and grabbed her tablet, the low light making easier to see her face as she read some info. "Since it is probably a decoy company due to it's size and location, we shouldn't be able to squeeze much info about the main scheme, but... whatever we get is profit already" She said, putting her tablet down on her lap. "We also... Don't exactly have permission to do this... So let's try not to kill every single person we see, okay?"

Crimea nodded, he was already used to acting like this, without someone protecting his back. "Sure" He said, leaning back on his seat.

Kureha chuckled and resumed. "Of course all this is only a theory, there's also a chance we find that the whole place is filled with criminals and murderers and we unfortunately would need to kill everyone" She spoke out sarcastically.

To others, this could be seen as a kinda sick way to put things, but Crimea knew that Kureha didn't want to kill anyone, and just wanted to fight.


30 minutes later, Castro parked the SUV on the parking lot next to the Grey building. Crimea and Kureha checked everything, and got out.

As they left, Castro rode farther away, but still close enough to act if the duo needed help. Kureha looked at the building and raised an eyebrow. "Seems like a apartment complex to be honest"

Crimea nodded and crossed his arms, squinting his eyes to see if he could discover any more signs of what this building was being labeled as. "Well, it's all grey and made of pure cement... Not very welcoming" He said, walking closer to the building. Kureha followed him and then spotted movement.

She grabbed onto Crimea's arm and dragged him against a wall, successfully dodging a possible detection. Crimea looked over the wall, seeing a man accompanied by 2 other ones, he was wearing a suit, while the others on security uniforms.

"Any information about that guy, or what is he doing here?" Crimea whispered, watching as the man delivered a keycard to another one and entered the building. Kureha shook her head and responded.

"No... But he seems important, maybe... maybe we got lucky? And there's a kind of meeting happening today?" Kureha pondered, while Crimea noticed a opening on the wall they were using as a cover. It was tall, but not tall enough to stop them.

Jagged Throne - Solo Leveling X OC (Fanbook Series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ