12 - Hell

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Sung Jin-Woo and Crimea entered the red gate to Hell, and the scene that surrounded their eyes was astonishing, red clouds that hovered around the also red sky, black rocks and mountains on the horizon, hiding the fervent lava mounts.

The air itself was hot, filled with mana, so hot that it would probably burn them if they were exposed to it for some time. They definitely couldn't go back due to the red gate, so their only option was to adapt, it was a matter of survival.

A few steps farther from the portal and the first creatures already started appearing, tiny reddish imps that emanated a childishly cruel aura, accompanied by their laughing.

Jin-Woo took a step in their direction, unsheathing his dagger, and without a word, he cut the imps in pieces, proceeding to look at their corpses with a hint of disdain. They were too weak for his army.

He also noticed that the bodies didn't dissipate like in the dungeons, the only way for monsters to don't vanish when they die is to be on the real world, which wasn't the case in this situation.

Crimea approached and pointed his own dagger to the space in front of them, a burnt forest, with hellish boars that were eating a weird plant. Jin-Woo raised an eyebrow and put his dagger back down.

It was like in the ice dungeon, where the monsters created their own civilization and ecosystem, sign of a powerful dungeon. Their eyes continued to stare at the weird animals for some time, before they were reminded of the harsh conditions around them when another breeze of hot air hit their necks.

"We need to find shelter..." Crimea said, looking around, searching for any cave or similar. Jin-Woo nodded and proceeded to walk through the burnt forest, with Crimea following right behind.


It was a weird feeling, walking through these lands, they felt eerily weaker, like their mana was being drained for just being there, but it didn't take time to find a prominent large rock that served as a cover from the hot air.

They gathered under the rock, finally dodging the hot air. Their bodies were already affected whatsoever, and when they checked their skin, noticed the red stains left from the constant stream of hot air.

Jin-Woo was less harmed due to his stronger body as a S-Rank, but Crimea was definitely injured, especially around the scars, where more sensible skin rested. Crimea removed his shirt and used it as a seat so he wouldn't just sit down on hot rock.

He sighed and checked his injuries closer. "This will be painful..." He sighs, looking up to the rock above them. Jin-Woo nodded and walked closer, sitting down on top of one of his shadow soldiers.

"We will have to adapt... It's our only option." He said, looking back at the red horizon that covered everything around them, spotting more imps flying towards them. "They must be attracted to our mana..." He said, standing up and readying his dagger once again.

Crimea took a deep breath and stood up as well, stretching his arms and taking a few steps away from his shirt. "Let's show them then" He whispers, covering his hands on his crimson aura, then dashing towards the small imps, grabbing onto one's head and crushing it down on the floor.

While Crimea examined the crushed skull of the fragile imp, another one appeared from his behind, piercing Crimea's skin with it's tail and heating its body, ready to burn Crimea from the inside out. However, Crimea grabber the tail and removed it from his skin, sending the imp to the air and jumping next to it.

The imp was confused and tried using his skinny wings to unleash small blades of fire towards Crimea, who grabbed the flames and used his own to create a bigger ball of fire.

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