7 - Friends

13 2 1

Another day passes, and nothing changed.

At least for Crimea, that wakes up on his bed, opening his eyes and yawning loudly. He stands up and looks through the window, his eyes widening as he saw the kids that were throwing rocks at birds the other day.

( - *-- why - :_ not just.. - throw the.. trash away ¿¿- _)

Crimea swallowed hard and felt a burning sensation inside him. The very same thing that happened when he scared them away. A involuntary smile appeared on his face, but he quickly put it away.

He sighed and jumped off the window, landing in the soft grass. "Uuh.. So tiring" He whispered, standing up and slowly walking towards the kids. One of the boys noticed Crimea and raised an eyebrow. "Put a shirt on!" He shouted, the others laughed out loud.

Crimea covered one of his eyes and with the other one noticed some blood on the floor, a bird laying next to it, without a wing.

That was it.

Crimea dashed towards the kid who shouted at him and pushed him against the tree next to them. "Hey, fucker. You better get your ass out of here" He, or at least, from his mouth, whispered lowly.

Crimea's red eye pierced through the kid's undeveloped essence, and it made sure to burn along the way. Crimea made the 'fiend' symbol on his hand and from the blood left by the bird, a more monstrous bird was born, it flew to the Kid's shoulder and then grew a uneasy smile.

Crimea pulled away and then...

"The fuck?" He asked, looking around and noticing he was back in his bed. He looked around and through the window, there they were, the kids, but now being teached a lesson by Maki, Lumine by her side, holding the wounded bird.

Crimea stood up and jumped through the window again, approaching both women. "Just kick their asses..." Crimea trailed off sleepily, scratching his neck.

Maki giggled and crossed her arms. "Nah, it's fine. As long as they don't do it again" She said, glaring at the kids who nodded reluctantly and walked away. Then Maki turned around and carefully grabbed the bird, approaching Crimea with it, looking up at him with puppy eyes. "Pwease~"

Crimea sighed and made the 'wound' sign. The bird's blood stopped leaving it's weakened body, and then Maki smiled and walked inside their house, approaching the bathroom to bandage the little bird.

Crimea crossed his arms and looked at Lumine, while both of them walked inside too. "How have you been?" He asked, and Lumine knew exactly what he was referring to.

The silence that took place served as a answer for Crimea, he knew she wasn't okay.

"I- i... I'm still... Scared, you know?" Lumine spoke out hesitantly, looking down at the floor. "What if... He appears again?"

Crimea held his chin and responded after a brief silence that made Lumine look into his eyes. "The Stalker? I killed him myself. Malo? Kim turned him to dust." He said confidently, leaning against a wall.

"Besides... You have Maki, and you know what they say, slaps coming from women hurt more." He chuckles, walking to his bedroom.

Lumine giggled innocently, and then saw Maki coming out of the bathroom, with the little bird taken of. Lumine smiles and rests against the wall by her side.

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