17. Just kiss me already

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The windows of our duplex are dark. Unlike my New York apartment where I can control every light and power outlet in my house from my phone, the duplex requires me to actually remember to turn on the lights. The tight cabin of the car is both comforting and claustrophobic, but I'd stay here for longer if that means staying with Nata. I park the car in front of my garage and walk around the hood to open Nata's car door.

"Your place or mine?" I don't remember the last time we haven't spent the entire evening together. And even though it's almost eleven, I'm not ready for the evening to end.

"Mine. I need to take the dress off before I ruin it." Nata steps out of the car and walks past me to her side of the duplex. I follow suit. She punches the code into the lock and opens the door. "Should we make dinner? Are you hungry?"

The red straps on her dress over her bare back have been teasing me the entire evening. How can thin lines across her skin make my temperature rise so many degrees? Too many.

The desire to hold her, to kiss her, to remove the dress and forget the problems that I don't know how to solve by doing what I know I do well. Doing something that would make us both feel good. Guaranteed. The ever-increasing ache that has invaded my heart bit by bit over the last months is not lust. But there are plenty of places in my body where lust for this woman has taken a permanent residency.

I close the door behind me and lean against the wooden panels, staying away from my temptation. "The thing I'm hungry for is not food."

"Oh." She bends to unclasp the sandals.

The red silky material hugs her in an almost obscene way and the semi-hardness I struggled to suppress all evening ignores my pleas for civility. I'm as hard as when I was getting my first erections as a teen, and I seem to have about the same amount of self-control.

She steps out one foot and fumbles with the other clasp. "Coffee?" she says, out of breath like she just came back from one of her runs, not simply took her show off. Nata glances at me from below. "Or what did you have in mind?"

With a sigh, I touch her hips and tug her into me. "This isn't the position I had in mind, but I can be flexible."

She tugs on her bun and a black curtain of her hair spills over her shoulder and touches the floor, hiding her profile from me. "You were having...position in mind for us?"

She steps out of her other shoe.

How do I explain what she makes me feel?

Yes, lust, but also so much more than that. My head hurts from the inability to tell her what I already know, but what I'm not sure she's ready to hear. I don't want to scare her off. I want to bare my heart, but instead I go the route I know how to navigate. I let her feel exactly how hard I am and focus on the physical part she can't deny. "I want to touch you every time you're around. I have heard none of the music tonight. My gaze was glued to you, not the stage, imagining all the ways I could..." I trail my thumb over her vertebrae and stop at the lowest one. "But I wasn't sure if you were ready. With the mis—"

"I'm ready." She straightens. Her back is against my chest. The sheet of her hair falls between us and her naked shoulders with those torturous straps taunt me. "I'm ready, Phillip." Her voice trembles over the syllables of my name.

I kiss the rounded slope of her neck. "What are you ready for?" My fingers slide down to the long slit in her dress.

"I'm ready to have sex with you." This time her words are clear and sure.

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