Chapter 16

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In the dimly lit bedroom, kook and Tae lay entwined in each other's arms, the soft glow of the moon casting a gentle radiance upon their peaceful faces.

Their bodies pressed closely together, they found solace and comfort in the warmth of each other's embrace as they drifted into a deep, contented slumber.

As the night wore on, Tae stirred, shifting slightly in his sleep as he turned to the other side, unknowingly leaving Kook's embrace behind.

Kook stirred from his slumber, a faint frown creasing his brow as he felt the loss of Tae's warmth against his body.

Feeling the absence of Tae's comforting warmth, kook opened his eyes, blinking away the remnants of sleep as he gazed at Tae's back, a faint pout forming on his lips as he longed for the return of Tae's embrace.

With a soft sigh, kook couldn't bear to be apart from Tae any longer.
With gentle hands, he wrapped his arms around Tae's waist, pulling him close with a tender embrace.

Kook: "Hey", he whispered softly, his voice barely above a whisper as he nuzzled his face against the crook of Tae's neck.

"Where do you think you're going?. Come back here."

Tae stirred at the sound of kook's voice, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he felt kook's arms around him. Turning to face kook, he returned the embrace, their bodies fitting together perfectly as they melted into each other's embrace once more.

Kook: "There you are," he whispered tenderly, pressing a gentle kiss on tae's forehead.

Tae stirred at the touch, a contented sigh escaping his lips as he buried his face in kook's chest, seeking the warmth and security that only he could provide.

Tae: "Mmm... Koo," he murmured, his voice thick with sleep.

With a tender smile gracing his lips, Kook tightened his hold around Tae, his heart swelling with love for the man in his arms.

Kook: "My precious", pecked tae's lips who smile in his sleep.


As Tae sat in his room, overcome with boredom and longing for Kook, he couldn't help but mutter softly to himself.

Tae: "I miss Koo." pout.

Suddenly, an idea sparked in his mind, and he decided to head to a nearby café for a change of scenery.

Arriving at the café, Tae's eyes lit up with excitement as he looked over the menu, deciding what to order. After making his choice, he placed his order with a smile.

Tae: "I'll have a caramel macchiato, please.", he said softly to the barista.

The barista nodded with a friendly grin, However, as Tae turned to find a seat, his mind consumed by thoughts of Kook and he accidentally bumped into someone, eliciting a harsh reaction from the stranger.

Minjae: "Watch where you're going, you moron!", he snapped angrily.

Tae: "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there. I wasn't looking where I was going. It was an accident." his tone genuine.

But the person wasn't satisfied with his apology.

Minjae: "Accident or not, you ruined my day with your ugly presence," he retorted bitterly, his words stinging with rage.

Tae felt a surge of anger rising within him at Minjae's harsh words.

Tae:"I understand that I made a mistake, but you don't have any right to speak to me like that," he replied, his voice tinged with annoyance.

Minjae's smirk only added fuel to the fire as he taunted Tae with threats.

Minjae: "I'll teach you how to walk properly," he taunted, his eyes narrowing with malice.

Confused by Minjae's threatening tone, Tae watched as Minjae's gaze fell upon a nearby table where a cup of hot coffee sat innocently.

Realisation dawned on Tae just a moment too late as minjae seized the cup and splashed it on Tae's chest. Tae hissed in pain as the hot liquid burned his skin. Clutching his chest in shock and pain, Tae could hardly believe what had just happened.

The café fell into stunned silence as everyone gasped in horror at the sudden act of aggression.

Tae: "What the hell? You're insane!!" he exclaimed, clutching his chest in disbelief.

But Minjae merely smirked, a twisted satisfaction dancing in his eyes.

Minjae: "Consider it a lesson," he replied casually like it is not a big deal.

Tae's blood boiled at Minjae's dismissive attitude, his anger threatening to consume him.

In the midst of the chaos, Thankfully, a doctor who happened to be nearby rushed to Tae's, providing immediate treatment for his burns.

Doctor: "Let's take care of these burns right away", concerned.

Meanwhile, Minjae, unfazed by his actions, rolled his eyes and mocked loudly before leaving the cafe.

Minjae: "Weak. Can't even handle a little accident", he laughed loudly.

As the scene unfolded, there was someone who witnessed everything and couldn't help but be angered by the mark's behavior. He wasted no time in making a call. He relayed the details to someone on the other end.

As the details unfolded, The person on the other end of the line became extremely angry, the veins in his neck popped out, his jaw clenched and his face turned red with anger.

As he hung up the phone with clenched fists, the person couldn't contain his anger any longer. He stood up from his seat and punched the wall, leaving a large dent in the drywall.

??: "How dare he," he roared.


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