Chapter 19

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Kook hurried into the office, his mind racing. He had a crucial meeting with an important client, and he needed to inform his precious that he will be late.

As he rushed to his desk, he patted his pockets, searching for his phone - but it was gone. Someone had stolen it.

Kook: "No, no, no," he muttered in frustration. He needed to call his Tae, but without his phone, he had no way to reach him.

He was about to inform Tae about it, Just then, the client walked into the office.

Kook was about to ask for a moment, but his secretary, sensing the situation, intervened.

Jack :"Don't worry Mr. Jeon. I'll inform Taehyung sir about the meeting".

Kook opened his mouth to protest, but the client was already settling in, and the secretary had slipped out of the room. With a sinking feeling, Kook realized he had no choice but to proceed.

As Kook sat through the meeting, his mind was completely consumed by thoughts of his precious. He kept glancing at the clock, hoping the secretary had been able to reach him in time.

Kook: 'I hope my precious isn't too worried,' he thought, tapping his pen anxiously.

'I wish I could just call him and let him know I'm okay. I am sorry my precious'.

As the meeting dragged on, Kook found it increasingly difficult to focus. Kook's leg bounced restlessly as he tried to stay engaged with the client, but his heart wasn't in it.

Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. He abruptly stood up, interrupting the client mid-sentence.

Kook: "This meeting can't continue," he said coldly.

The client looked utterly shocked, his mouth agape as kook never cancelled any important meeting which benifit his company.

Mr. Roy: "But Mr. Jeon, this is a important meeting! You can't leave like that", disbelief.

Kook looks at him with a glare and raises his hand, silencing him.

Kook: "I don't care how important you think this meeting is," he said, his eyes were blank.

"But to me nothing is more important to me than my precious. I'm leaving now."

Mr. Roy tried to protest, but Kook had already turned and was rushing out the door.

Kook: "This meeting is over," he called back coldly, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Kook hurried out of the office, his heart racing. All he could think about was getting home to his Tae.


As Kook opened the front door, he spotted Tae curled up on the couch, a worried expression on his face.

Tae's face lit up when he saw Kook, and he jumped up, rushing into Kook's arms.

Tae: "Koo!", he exclaimed, hugging him tightly.

"I was so worried when your phone was switched off. But then the secretary said you had an important meeting, but I didn't know what was going on. Where was your phone?", bombarding him with questions.

Kook pulled Tae close, savoring the warmth of his embrace.

Kook: "My precious, I'm so sorry I couldn't reach you," he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss on Tae's forehead.

"My phone was stolen and the secretary insisted he would tell you about the meeting"

Tae looked up at Kook, his eyes shining with relief.

Tae: "I missed you so much, bun. I was so worried, but now that you're here, I feel like I can finally breathe again."

Kook cupped Tae's face, gazing into his eyes adoringly.

Kook: "You are the most important to me my baby. Nothing, not even the stupid meeting, could keep me from you", whispered lovingly.

Tae's brow furrowed slightly as he listened kook's words.

Tae: "But Kook, that meeting was so important. Why did you cancel it".

Kook pulled Tae into another tight hug and caressed his back.

Kook: "Nothing is more important than you, my love," he murmured.

"The meeting can wait but I couldn't bear the thought of you being worried or upset beacuse of me. You mean everything to me."

Tae leaned in, pressing his lips on Kook's in a tender, passionate kiss. When they finally parted, Tae rested his forehead against Kook's, a small smile playing on his lips.

Tae: "I love you, Koo," he whispered lovingly.

Kook pulled Tae closer and hugged him, his heart swelling with love and gratitude.

Kook: "I love you more my precious", he murmured, savoring the warmth of Tae's embrace.

Kook slowly break the hug and cupped tae's cheeks.

Kook: "Did you eat my baby?".

Tae shook his head softly and Kook's eyes widened with concern as he realized Tae hadn't eaten.

Kook: "Precious, why on earth haven't you had your dinner?" he asked, a tinge of worry in his voice.

Tae averted his gaze, his voice barely above a whisper.

Tae: "I... I didn't want to eat without you, Koo", looks down.

Kook's heart sank, and he gently tilted Tae's chin up, meeting his eyes.

Kook: "Oh, Tae, my love," he murmured, his brow furrowed.

"It's already past midnight! You should have eaten."

Tae: "But I wanted to wait for you, Koo. I just... I couldn't bear the thought of eating without you when I know you haven't eaten anything".

Kook pulled Tae into a tight embrace, pressing a series of soft kisses to his temple.

Kook: "My precious. I'm so sorry I worried you",

Tae breaks the hug and pecked kook's forehead before capturing Kook's lips in a soft kiss. After some time, they finally parted and tae cupped kook's cheeks.

Tae: "Shh! Don't say that. It's not your fault", cutely glares, making kook nods with a bunny smile.

"So, shall we eat our dinner? I am so hungry", pout.

Kook chuckled and pecked tae's pout who showed his boxy smile happily.


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