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In a small town near the center of the kingdom of Eblus, a young boy runs. His light brown hair flops in the wind as he races around town, shouting his news: "I MET THEM! I MET THEM!" He cries.

The oldest (and wisest) person in the town, Laney, walks with a cane and sits on a bale of hay. "Why is it, child, that you holler so loudly?" The boy quiets down and blushes, but his excitement is still clear as day.

"I met the royal family, ma'am. I saw them all, King Hugh, Queen Beatrix, Princess Ivy, Princess Chantelle, Princess Violet, Princess Poppy, and Princess Eira!" As he recites the names of the seven most recognizable people in the county, Laney's eyes widen.

"You actually met them?" She asks, in disbelief. "How? They almost never make public appearances. You must've been mistaken, boy."

The boy shakes his head. "I met them, ma'am. I think they were on a walk, a family walk. They seemed happy. I walked past them and then I wanted to introduce myself. I was very good, I promise! They were very nice, ma'am. So nice! Princess Violet even gave me a hug! And-and she said she liked my jacket!"

An eavesdropping flower shop owner, Gabriella, interjects, "Did you tell them your name?"

The boy's eyebrows furrow. "No. Why? Should I have?" Gabriella smiles wistfully and shrugs.

"Well... imagine what would've happened had they remembered? Our town could get funding, we could all meet them... I could be more than just a flower shop owner! You know my dream has always been to be a dressmaker, right? My goodness, have you seen what those girls wear? So gorgeous. I'm such a fan of all of their styles and designers..."

Laney and the boy exchange a look. Everyone knew Gabriella's dream was to make dresses. But once her father passed away and the main source of income faded, she did what she had to to bring in money.

"Well, I'm happy that you were able to meet them," Laney says, with a genuine smile on her face. "They seem nice."

An old woman passing by shakes her head. "I don't know, Laney. I don't know about that redhead one..."

"Ivy?" The little boy finishes.

The old woman nods her head. "That's the one. I don't like her. She doesn't seem to give a damn about the kingdom at all. Just herself. Now Eira, I like. She's a real mother figure. She takes care of her sisters, she ain't distracted by the gentlemen like some of her sisters are."

Gabriella leans in. "Now, y'all didn't hear it from me, but some rumors have been going on that the queen is a drunk."

Laney and the old woman raise their eyebrows. "No, that isn't possible. Beatrix is the sweetest... no, there ain't no way that's possible. Gabriella, I think you got your facts mixed up," Laney replies, testily. 

Gabriella shrugs and brings out a cart of roses onto the cobblestone pavement in front of her shop. "I heard what I heard."

"I feel sorry for Poppy, the young one. Exposed to all that, dressing like a, like a..." The old woman pauses, lowering her voice. "Like a little slut." The boy looks like he's about to make a comment when a woman calls, "Son! It's time to come home!" The boy says goodbye and runs to his mother.

The women eventually parted ways, but rumors of the Family continued circulating...

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