Chapter Four

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Hi! This is my first in-book author's note!

Just wanted to say thank you for reading, comments are treasured, votes are appreciated, and sending means the world :)


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saturday night

This might be the most boring D&D of my life. And trust me, that's saying something. The only thing that's keeping me here is the hot bartender that's refilled my glass too many times to remember.

"Refill, please." The bartender gives me a look.

"I've refilled your glass three times." He leans in. "You look a little drunk."

I roll my eyes, pushing my empty glass in front of him. "Who here isn't? Okay, well maybe Poppy – she's fifteen. But that's it. I think." He rolls his eyes back but fills my glass.

A blonde woman who doesn't know how to apply makeup walks up to the bar. "Two martinis, please." She winks at the man who's at her arm.

He shakes his head. "No thank you. I'm good." The blonde laughs.

"In that case, we'll take three!" The man playfully glares at her.

"Franny – come on!" Franny. I stifle a laugh and the bartender does the same.

"What? I'm just kidding." She stage whispers the words, "I'm not." The bartender makes her one martini and they stumble away.

"Looks like you aren't the only one getting drunk tonight. Franny looks like she's having fun." The bartender smirks, and I do the same.

"Princess Ivy." A rich voice comes from behind me. I turn around and see Prince Sebastian Calder. I take a swig of my glass to prepare for this conversation.

"For the last time, Sebastian, I won't go on a date with you." Sebastian turns red in front of the bartender, who pretends to busy himself by making a margarita.

"Good to see you too, Ivy. Believe it or not, I didn't come over here to ask you out. Though my parents would appreciate if I popped the question–"

"Not over my dead body." I take another sip of my drink. "Now tell me why you did come over here."

Sebastian rolls his eyes and pushes his hands into his pockets. "I invited my friend, Ashfield, here tonight. He thinks you're hot." I laugh. This is ridiculous.

"First of all, I would date you before dating someone named Ashfield. Especially an Ashfield that asks their friend to ask me out. He can go back to his league now."

"He said you looked pretty. He wasn't wrong," Sebastian admits, pushing his hands deeper into his pockets.

I look him up and down. He isn't ugly. He has fair skin with blond hair and blue eyes. But I'm honestly so not in the mood for this right now.

I yawn and tell him, "Sebastian, look. You're cute, but I'm tired and I don't feel like doing anything with anyone anytime soon, let alone tonight. Tell Ashfield he can fuck off, and please leave me alone. Thanks."

And with that, I leave my glass at the bar and walk away.

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I feel a little guilty for being rude to Sebastian, but I can't think about that right now. Suddenly, a brunette with tan skin and brown eyes in a beautiful dark green gown approaches me.

"You're a little slut, you know that?" I whip around. I try not to let things like this get to me, but I've had enough.

"I'm sorry?" The brunette raises an eyebrow and nods, folding her arms.

"And it's not just me that thinks it. It's been circulating. That you're in, you know, the business." She doesn't make eye contact with me.

I scoff. This is more ridiculous than the Ashfield debacle. "Are you calling me a prostitute?"

The girl laughs. "Wow, you have ears. Want a trophy?" I shake my head. She messed with the wrong girl.

"I know who you are," I begin. "You're Jaqueline Myers, which frankly sounds like a sad old lady living alone in a cottage in the middle of nowhere. Last year, you sold $90,000 dollars worth of meth, and then proceeded to cover it up by arresting an innocent man in your kingdom. And, you know, it's not just me that thinks it. It's been circulating. That you're in, you know, the business." Jaqueline looks shocked. I smirk.

"Pick up your jaw off the floor," I retort before walking away.

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Mkay, so that was the end of the fourth chapter! Again, I always appreciate comments, votes, reposts, or any type of feedback!

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