Chapter IIII

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A loud noise disturbed Wren, followed by the sound of heavy footsteps, Wren stood up and went outside. When he got outside it appeared there was nothing out there, the moon was starting to give way to the sun, and the forest seemed unchanged. Wren was about to shrug it off as just the wind whenever he heard the noise again. This time it was clearly obvious it wasn't just nature but instead a human- or monster. Wren looked around and saw a bush that had clearly been disturbed by something large and he went out to investigate. There was a large footprint in the ground, clearly humanoid, but with 6 toes instead of 5, and the footprint was much too big.

There were even more footprints in the dirt, leaving a clear indent in the ground with each step. This creature must be big... I hope it's friendly. He headed on and continued tracking it down, finding a tree with claw marks. Wren found it disturbing yet he carried on. Soon the footprints became bloody, and he was 600 feet away from home. "Is it a good idea to track a monster this large? Probably not, but I'll take the risk since I'm immortal" Wren stopped. The footsteps ended, did the monster sense something was wrong? Wren looked around and got confused. "The footsteps end here, there's no where it could be unless.." Wren turned around and saw it. It was a large hideous creature that looked like a crossover between a giant, a orc, and a wolf. Wren could very clearly see blood staining its fur, the red eyes of the monster signaling aggression and predatory instinct.

-Level 35 Weregiant-

"Shit- I'm outclassed" Wren started to back away and then the Weregiant lunged, Wren dashed out of the wash before sliding in the wet terrain. "It must've rained overnight! I can use this to my advantage" Wren said in exclamation. The monster took a step but his heavy feet sunk into the ground. It clearly wasn't gonna let that stop it though, it charged at Wren, and Wren rolled out of the way. The monster tried to stop its charge but it couldn't and slid past Wren. It turned around and bared its fangs again before slowly approaching Wren. If I can get my back to a tree and get it to charge, it might concuss itself enough for me to win this fight! Wren dashed around and fell, sliding into a large oak tree. "Hey! Yeah you! You're too slow to get me! Your neurons fire slower than a musket!" Wren shouted. The monster clearly got enraged by the and it charged, it crashed into a tree while growling and got its mouth stuck in the tree. In a panic it yanked away, leaving its canines in the tree. I could use those as a weapon!. Wren took the canines from the tree as the monster covered it's mouth, using the monsters pain as a distraction Wren stabbed it in the chest with its own teeth. Wren pushed them in as far as possible to the point where they were visible on the other side. 

The monster was still, and it fell over hitting the ground, dead. I'm actually still alive?. Wren grabbed the towering corpse and dragged it back to the dungeon, figuring its body parts could be useful. Upon reaching the dungeon and entering, Wren realized something. My minions are essentially a workforce, so I could start a mining operation. Wren told the Golems to go outside and fashion crude equipment- Axes, pickaxes, shovels, and the sorts as he inspected the body.

-Weregiant Corpse-

Description: Weregiants are large humanoid creatures that are a mix between Orcs and Werewolves, these creatures are rare, and sightings only happen occasionally. Their pelt is a useful defensive item and their teeth are a powerful offensive force.

Now that I think about it, I could probably fashion a nice dagger out of these canines. Wren flinched. It said these were rare right? In this world, isn't that the same as an endangered species?. Wren shrugged the thought off. It's dead now anyways. When the Golems returned, many had axes and pickaxes consisting of handles made of sticks, or carved from a tree stump and rocks on top of them. Wren felt that it was good enough and told them to start mining while he went to bed.

Next morning Wren woke and was surprised by the large amount of progress made, turns out the golems just scrapped the crude tools in favor of their fists, which turned out to work better anyways. Turns out, the area around dungeons are filled with naturally replenishing metals, various ores, and gems. So around 40 pounds of iron was collected by each golem, as well as some other metals. Am I seriously considering starting a business? I should use all of this to create a better dungeon. Wren told the golems to collect any trace of coal they may have dug up, after that Wren told the golems to make a Crucible, a device used to melt metal. After a very crude looking crucible was created. The coal was gathered in order to heat it up, once it got warm enough, Wren put the iron in, and watched as it slowly melted.

-Ability gained-

Manipulate Metal

Description: Manipulate metal into certain shapes, typically works better on warmer metal rather than cold metal.

-Ability gained-

Summon golem artificer

Description: Summon a golem variant that is close to human intelligence, this golem can use crude creation spells such as manipulate metal, and is a expert in crafting.

This is the first time I've ever felt.. blessed, the world is practically giving me abilities that I need at the certain time, now that I think about it, it does seem like this world is giving me abilities on a achievement basis- I found a town and got a way to get in unnoticed, I melted metal and got a way to shape it it's almost like achievements and quests. Wren shrugged the thought off, it seemed kind of stupid to believe he was living in a video game, rather he was living in a video game like world. Wren decided to summon two of said Golem artificers in order to assist him in creating the tools for his minions. "Summon golem artificer" Wren chanted. All of a sudden he felt a lot more tired as his minions animated from the floor. "You guys go and melt metal and form it into tools and shit... make a weapon from the canines too, I need to rest" Wren laid down on a improvised bed made from grass leaves and fur as his mind ventured off into the realm of sleep.

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