Chapter VI

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Upon waking up, Wren grabbed his daggers and a set of armor that his workers had made. He slid on the iron greaves, boots, chest plate , and leggings, unfortunately they didn't have enough time to make a helmet. The armor, which was surprisingly comfortable gave Wren renewed confidence in his combat abilities, despite the fact he hadn't technically gained any strength, only equipment. I walked through a couple rooms of the dungeon before reaching the entrance room, noticing that the door for the entrance actually had a lock and had been reinforced, and opened it. I was quickly flashed by the Sun, since I hadn't seen it in a while. While I waited for my eyes to adjust I looked down and sat on a nearby stump outside. I feel as if, I should attempt to recruit a more humanoid minion, I guess I'm restricted from recruiting Goblins, Hobgoblins or skeletons because of the fact I'm a neutral dungeon, I can't think of any "neutral monsters" in video games in my previous life, all the monsters had to be evil, or else the player wouldn't receive any satisfaction from killing them, or at least they'd get less. Then an idea popped into wrens head. Dragon kin! Dragonkins are neutral right? Dragonborn lizardborn dragons, anything reptilian is typically neutral

-New ability unlocked-


Description: Neutral monsters are attracted to you and vice versa, however this comes with a debuff.

-New mechanic unlocked-

   The Balance

Description: The balance between good and dark in your dungeon, walking the line of neutrality is a dangerous game and tipping too far towards good or dark, may result in the collapse of your dungeon, or serious outside world consequences, as intelligent dungeons such as you are connected to the outside world.

This complicates things. Wren thought, Wren settled on the thought of finding a nearby Dragonborn home. Wren left his dungeon, which was slowly growing from his Golems mining, he  could sense a monster, a neutral one about 23 kilometers away (14 miles), and he set a goal to reach it. He looked at his dungeon and covered the tiny cave entrance with some moss. The moss would serve its purpose in concealing his home, if just barely.

Wren strapped on his armor and sheathed his daggers. He then went in the direction of the monster. Due west, the tiny town was east, chances are it's just wilderness west of the dungeon for a couple hundred kilometers. Wren took the chance to make a map of the surroundings, more of a mental one than an actual one. Wren sent the information back to the artificers in his dungeon and hoped they would create a suitable map.

Nothing of interest happened for a couple of hours, and then he stumbled upon something, it looked like a camp of some sort, Tents were posted up around a large campfire which still had glowing embers, which meant they left pretty recently, Wren decided to take advantage of this to see whether or not they had a map or book, which could increase his knowledge of this world.

Rummaging through a couple bags he just found basic supplies, clothes, food, water. And then he stumbled upon a book labeled "A brisk history on the kingdom of Aurelius"

"I'm assuming we are in the kingdom of Aurelius right now, I'll keep this in hand" Wren put the book in a tiny sack woven from plant fibers. The prospect of a kingdom interested Wren, kingdoms had knights, Nobles, a lot of various things. Wren figured it would be an interesting prospect to see if he could become a noble one day, but he scratched that thought. He was a dungeon so he should focus on his dungeon.

Wren continued past the campsite toward the location of the Dragonborn. Once he was within a couple hundred meters of the Dragonborn, he smelled something strange. Smoke, a lot of it. He rushed through some underbrush to reveal a large open plain, which had ruins of houses and homes. He continued running towards them. I hope the inhabitants survived, if so, I need to know what happened here so I can prepare myself, if this place has been attacked by powerful people, my dungeon, with its neutral monsters might be next.

When he rushed further he heard a voice call out "STOP RIGHT THERE!" Wren slowly turned around to reveal a Male Dragonborn, pointing directly at him, clearly unhappy. "IM GOING TO MURDER YOU FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" The Dragonborn yelled and breathed fire into the air, in what was an attempt to look menacing. "Hey hey, calm down, I just arrived here, and had nothing to do with this" Wren said calmly, he had always been a mediator in his previous life and had been quite good at it too. "How do I know you're not lying?" The Dragonborn said quizzically "My entire family's dead, I went out for hunting and just came back and they're just... dead" The Dragonborn said, Wren could almost hear pity in his voice "If you could eradicate my town, you probably would've eradicated me by now too.. you probably are telling the truth" The Dragonborn admitted "To be honest my little town here was certain to be attacked some day, everybody in our town just acted like humans, we had no training for combat, we went to school.. we did nothing wrong, and now they're all dead" 

"Wait hold on a second, you aren't human are you?" The Dragonborn asked, the reason why he was confused was because Wren had a half on disguise, so his Mana wouldn't run dry in his travels. "Yes, your right" Wren said "I'm actually a dungeon core, I came here looking for people to recruit.. I mean you could join, I just needed some actually intelligent company down there" Wren smiled "You want to join me?" 

The Dragonborn smiled, through the tears "My previous life is gone now, there's nothing we can do about it, might as well move forward, my names Draco" Draco said "A little on the nose" Wren commented "But my names Wren, and I'm going to head back to my home, feel free to tag along" Wren said "Will do" replied Draco.

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