Chapter VII

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"This is tiny" said Draco "Have you not worked on expanding it?" He asked "I have, but I've only been here for a week and some change" Wren replied. Granted Draco wasn't wrong about the small size of the dungeon, however he thought it was pretty large for the time he's been around. 

"You do notice that I'm the owner of this house not you, your the guest, so don't be judgmental over the size" Wren smirked "You know, I think I'll just kick you out and let you live in the wilderness, after all, if you don't like it then you don't need to stay" Wren put on a smile.

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm a Dragonborn, as a race as a whole, our claws make building things out of wood.. complicated" Draco said "I mean, we scratch up everything if it's not made of metal because of our claws.. I might even accidentally scratch you!" Draco joked. "But jokes aside, I feel like sleeping, do you have any beds?" Draco asked "Other than your own I mean, I would rather sleep on the floor than in that thing" 

Wren chuckled "Well I did make a blueprint for some rooms for any recruits I may stumble across" Wren had a devious smile "But I'm not sure you qualify". Draco sighed "Just show me where I can sleep" Wren grinned "Say the magic word"

"Ahh we're being invaded! I'm joking. Please" Draco joked. When he said that Wren pointed towards a neatly concealed door, which would've been unnoticeable if it wasn't pointed out. Wren showed Draco inside, he told his minions to build this before he left for the Dragonborn's, turned out, it was going to be useful. It was just a couple small apartment like houses, with 3 different rooms, with wooden floors, some basic furniture, a relatively cozy bed and a set of blankets, at the end of the hallway was a considerably larger room which was Wrens. It was exactly the same except for an extra room which Wren imagined could be useful if he needed to practice any new magics, that required a larger space. "How did you manage to get blankets? This is a dungeon and I don't see any looms or weavers, or anything really"

"I created some golems that were good at crafting, and there was a considerable amount of wild sheep moving through here recently, all in one convenient spot" Wren said "Try not to dirty it up, because I'm not sure golems are capable of cleaning well"

Wren left Draco alone in his room and headed out.

-New ability unlocked-


Description: This is a bestiary of sorts, whenever you discover or notice a new race, humanoid or animal, it will appear in the bestiary.

This will come in useful eventually. He opened it up and it revealed the Dragonborn species


Description: Dragonborn's have hard scales covering their body, and their head is that of a dragon. The rest of their body is mostly humanoid except for things like claws or spines. Each Dragonborn looks different in some form of way. Dragonborn's typically have some form of breath power.

Wren figured that Draco had fire breath or something but whenever he entered his room he got a very negative reaction "We've only known each other for two days! I don't feel like talking about it" Draco yelled at Wren, and Wren promptly left the room as, that was essentially a dragon screeching at him, which was quite intimidating. "Some form of emotional trauma must be connected with his abilities" Wren muttered to himself.

Wren headed into his room and laid on his bed. The firm mattress budged slightly underneath his and his woolen blankets were cozy. Time and time again, he hadn't gotten enough sleep in his previous life. But he was determined to change things around in this one. 

In the morning, Wren stood up, got some basic food (Berries collected outside) and shared it with Draco, since he doesn't actually have to eat. The berries tasted good, although Draco clearly prefers meat.

A shuffling noise alerted Wren. "What the.. adventurers?" A loud banging noise could be heard and the door started to break. Splinters started flying off, Wren ran behind a couple of his golems along with Draco as the door finally broke. Revealing a party of four adventurers, all which looked like warriors, with their swords and rough armor. "That was a surprisingly strong door!" The first one yelled. Wren sent a mental command to a golem to attack them. The golem, surprisingly swift, swung and landed a hit. The hit slid off one of the adventurers swords and they backed up before slashing at the golem, cutting it. The other golems moved in and started attacking the adventurers, dealing hefty blows that either got absorbed by the armor or parried. Eventually one of the adventurers fell. However almost all of the golems got destroyed "Is that all?" One of them asked while finishing off the last golem.

Well.. this isn't good, my dungeon is getting raided, they might just raze it completely! I don't have any valuables except for my items. Suddenly Draco made a noise, he accidentally stepped on a sharp object, leftover from the golems construction. The adventurers looked toward them, and saw them. "Look, these monsters were hiding behind some objects of sorts! Let's kill them" One of them said "I hope we get a good haul to-" The talking was abruptly stopped as they triggered one of the traps, a pitfall that sent one of the adventurers twenty feet down. 

With only two remaining and the confidence they needed, Wren and Draco pulled out from hiding and charged, attacking their respective opponents. Wren engaged with a swift kick to her gut and an overhead slash, that the warrior deflected. "Mini bosses in the first room?" One of the warriors said in confusion as they parried one of Wrens slashes and thrusted. It caught Wren hard on the chest and dented his armor in. Wren punched the warrior in face before managing to stab him in the knee with his dagger, a sound of pain echoed throughout the dungeon. Draco seemed to be handling his opponent fine as he was unscathed, and his opponent was nearly out. As Wren checked on Draco his opponent unleashed a fury of blows, each one making Wrens armor crumble, Wren parried many of them, but his opponents attacks kept getting quicker.

Wren stumbled backward after the barrage just to receive an overhead cleave directly to his skull. Aching pain coursed through him, but he pushed with a counterattack, piercing his opponents left shoulder. Wren coughed up blood- Blue blood. A sharp pain went through him, and he realized Draco's opponent had stabbed him in the back. Wren crumpled and a notification appeared.

-Death has a negative effect on neutrality and your stats! You get to avoid this for your first death however-

Wren fell to the floor, and the last thing he felt was a strange tingling sensation, with the immense cold of a tundra.

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