✯ The Secret Witness ✯

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" You know today i randomly got numb...
The longing feelings inside me got me numb ..

And for a moment feel like no one ..
.. but you ..
wanna do nothing but
lay down in your arms until
the oxygen leaves the last alveoli of my system.. until my heart pumps the last amount of blood in my veins and until the last time my brain
sent singles to my organs...
Just wanna close my eyes like that...

Just envelope me for the last time ..
and then I'll go away with the wind ...
Somewhere so far...
Don't worry .. I'll come back to you ..
as it rains in monsoon...
As it snows in winter and
that morning breeze of summer...
I'll be there as the soothing color of the sky in the evening and the twinkling darkness of the night.. ... But it's enough of this...
Wanna be immortal.. wanna be what you see everyday... "



I wrote this when I was missing him alot... I was crying my heart out... And yup... Maybe.. without this I wasn't able to say much ...

Am not good of poet but maybe I can start with nothing right?... Lmao...


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