An Evil King

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✨3rd Person POV✨

Once Asha had left, the princess was guided to the front of the castle, where the wishing ceremony was being held for Rosas. She had her own chair beside her mother's, along with a much smaller chair on her right. Asha sat down beside her best friend, but instead of ecstatic, she seemed...distressed.

The King lept onto the stage with a wave of magic, and the crowd cheered. "Are you ready, Rosas?" He shouted. "Another beautiful night in my kingdom. Good to see you. Good to be seen." (Y/n) looked at her best friend with a frown. "Are you okay?" She whispered with concern, but the tan girl just stiffly nodded a little, her frown never wavering.

"First things first, we have two new citizens ready to give their wishes. Helena,'re going to be very happy here, I promise you. Now, make a wish... and hold it in your heart." The couple closed their eyes and two spheres of blue energy appeared in the King's hands. "It's a real weight off, isn't it?" He looked at Asha from the corner of his eye, ignoring (Y/n)'s raised brow. 

"Forget without regret. Okay then... who is ready to have their wish granted?" The crowd cheered wildly. "Now, I have been challenged today to take a chance and try something new. Thank you, Asha." The princess smiled at her best friend. "I knew your Saba would be chosen!"

"And it is with clarity and an open heart full of love... that I grant today's wish to someone who has very patiently waited long enough...."

"Sania Osman."

The (h/c)'s smile faded to confusion and looked at Asha, who avoided eye contact.

"It truly is my great pleasure to grant your heart's desire... to sew the most beautiful dresses in all the land!" A pair of golden scissors appeared and the girl squealed. "My wish has come true." 

The crowd cheered and talked among each other as the King approached the teenager. "Asha. Obviously, I will not be offering you the position as my apprentice. But don't worry... I will still protect your Saba's wish... and your mother's... forever."

The Queen and Princess watched the interaction with furrowed brows as the man walked away, the Queen quickly following. (Y/n) gently took her best friend's hand to get her attention. "I don't know what happened, but I promise I will talk to him and convince him to grant your Saba's wish." 

The girl just sat still, staring at the ground. The princess frowned. "I'll see you later, okay?" The girl slowly walked away and looked at her best friend one last time before entering the castle.

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