Part 31 (Final)

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Tae's pov: Does he still likes me as he used to? He never confessed to me so deeply but everything about him I know it all. He never notice how I know every detail about him. I wish even if we aren't he will find someone better who won't blame him like I did.

Tae went downstairs to meet his dad who was sitting in a sofa with jimin beside him.

Tae : Dad can we talk?( He asked nervously)

Mr. Kim: About What?

Tae : About Jungkook.

Mr. Kim: Don't talk to me about him again. Jimin is eating my brain since morning just to forgive him for what he did. What he did so suddenly that both of you are here to convince me?

Tae : It's not about convincing dad. We just know it's not his fault. He never tried to hurt me. He was protecting me from the beginning but all of us misunderstood him. We were too blind to see the reality. What do you expect me to do now then??

Tae : I just want you to forgive him dad. Is it too much to ask? I want you to forget about happened. Can we just go back to the old time? Where everything was fine? I won't ask for more dad. : Tae Are you sure you're with being like this? Don't you feel weird? You're literally like a half human and a half vampire. Is it any good?? I know how and what you feel. Sometimes you even face many pain in your body.

Tae : Dad I believe things will be better as time passes by. I don't want to stuck in the past. Whatever happened before I don't care. I know soon I'll become like Jungkook and Jimin so give me to adjust. I know myself dad. But can you forgive Jungkook? Okay if that's what you want but don't expect me to be that good towards him.

Taehyung smiled at look at Jimin who was looking so relieved with's words.

Tae: That's enough dad I won't ask for more.

Saying that he hugged his dad who instantly hugged him back.

For some reason was happy seeing his son smiling after so many days. He forgot when the last time he saw him smile like this. He didn't wanted to accept Jungkook at first but If he coming back in this house makes Tae happy that's enough for him.

Jimin: You guys done having fun? And uncle I was convincing you for hours and you just listened to Tae who emotionally just blackmailed you.

Jimin says while rolling his eyes making the dad and son laugh at him. you should have blackmail too maybe I would have been convinced quickly.

Jimin: you guys don't love me anymore.

Tae: Yaa stop whining. Are you a kid??

Jimin: Don't you dare calling me a kid! : You both keep arguing I'm going sleep.

Tae : Dad you need to teach him some lessons. I can't I already gave up.

Jimin: Both of you're making me feel like a culprit. Bye I'm leaving.

Tae: Jiminahhh we were joking don't leave.

Tae ran to jimin who leaving with a poker face. While Mr. Kim is looking at his boys with a wide smile on his face.

Tae : Jimin should I call him?

Jimin : I think it would be better if you talk to him face to face.

Tae: Do you think he'll forgive me?

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