Chapter Nine: Mega Adventure

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Ash, along with his only people he'd ever call associates, were on mega island. Each person was sent outta there way to find their stones. May needed to find a Blastoisinite, Venusaurite, and Gardevoirite. Her Blazikenite was given to her from her father. Dawn needed a Lopunnite. Dawn preferred Terra over Mega evolution, but still would like to have it, just in case. Brock needed a Swampert, Tryanitar, and Houndoomite. He found his steelixite from a dig site. Lillie needs Galladite, Gardiverite, Altarianite, and a Mawiliete. Mega stones were hard enough to find, yet these people need multiple.

If lady luck was ever needed, then now would be the perfect time.

Each person went in the direction they thought was right.

Our hero Brock was up first. The pewter gym leader was right next to a mountain. He felt a calling to a tunnel in the mountain. When he walked there, he found a Tyrainaite. Alas, things are never that easy. The stone was into the ceiling, and guarding it was a Solrock.

Brock: Tryintair crunch!

Solrock fired a purple beam that hit the rock/dark type in the face, but it did nothing. Tyranitar bit onto Solrocks arm, and the rock/psychic made a weird noise, before deciding to become the ultimate nuke. Solrock was embedded in a bright light and blew up. The T-Tar flew backwards but got back up.

Brock: Good Job Buddy! Now then. Stone edge, to boost me up!

Blue stones, like steps, were under the mega stone, and Brock grabbed it with some difficulty.

Brock: One down, two go to. Swampert, let us find you a stone.

Brock jogs off the tunnel, and heads to the marsh. At the bottom of the marsh was a blue glow. Swampert put a bubble around his trainer's head, then started swimming towards the stone. However, a mini whirlpool surrounded the stone. Every time Brock tried to get close, he got thrown out. Swampert decided to jump in, then got thrown out.

Swampert: Swamp, Swamp Swamp!

Swampert grabbed his trainer. Both trainer and Pokémon swarm in together. The whirlpool was strong, but not strong enough. Swampert grabbed the stone. He handed it to his trainer, before both swam back up.

Houndoom was last, and the most dangerous. Houndooms stone was in the middle of a lava lake. Brock decided to try something. He got onto his Houndoom, then the hell dog rode into the lava. With surprising ease, Brock acquired all three stones.

Dawn's stone capture was even easier. She went into the forest, beat up a bunch a Pokémon, made sparkles, then found a mega stone. That was her story anyway. In truth, Ash gave her her mega stone. He found one, but he didn't need it, saying Lopunny was not his type of Pokémon.

Dawn was delighted, and even gave him a kiss on the cheek. Ash's face remained the same, but a tint of red was there. Dawn's face was beat red. But before either could do anything, Ash teleported to help out Lillie.

Lillie felt a disturbance in the love square but moved on. She found two of her stones in a clearing, but every time she tried to step foot, her two Pokémon pushed her back. Lillie picked up and threw a rock. When she threw it a net appeared.

Lillie: Poachers.

Gardveior teleported and grabbed both stones. She teleported back and gave them to her master. Lillie smiled and thanked her. She ran over to her next calling. In a steel box, covered in fire, was a mawilite.

Ash: Look, this is gonna be rough. Poachers are here, so be prepared. I'm right behind you, so don't turn around. I'll set out the fire and break the cage, but you and Mawile grab it and go. Poachers are here, waiting for you to grab it. I'll protect you, but don't do anything stupid.

Lillie nodded. Ash smothered the flames and blew up the box. Lillie sprinted over and grabbed the mega stone. She turned around and saw Ash, an Infernapae, with a weird steel Pokémon with a hole in its torso firing white lasers everywhere. Around them were a bunch of Raitcates, Fearows, and Electabuzz's.

Ash: Lillie I'll be fine. Go. Grab your final stone. This one should be considerably easier. And don't throw up.

Ash teleported Lillie away from the field, and into a plain. She threw up.

Lillie looked around and saw a mountain, with a weird looking cloud. If there's gonna be an Altarite anywhere, it's gonna be there. She got onto her cloud dragon and soared through the skies.

Her breathing slowed a little, but on the cloud was a mega stone. But beside it was a Titan Bombardier. He let out a huge roar, before charging at Lillie. Altaria fired a dragon pulse, but the titan just dodged.

Lillie: Altaria ignore the bird. Grab the mega stone and go! I don't want you to get hurt.

Altaria looked at the snow in her trainers' eyes, before flying towards the mega stone. Bombardier went for a pluck, but the duo just dodged and kept flying. Bombardier continued in its pursuit. Lillie grabbed the stone in her hand. Altaria dived and Lillie almost fell off. Altaria used Cotton Guard, which made her clouds sticky. Lillie touched it with her free hand, and both soared towards the ground.

Bombardier kept flying at the pair, but when the duo pulled up, the titan hit the ground. Hard. It got back up quickly and glared at the trainer and Pokémon.

Lillie: You can't have it!

A thud was heard on the ground, and a raven black trainer appeared. Behind him was, instead of his Infernape and Melmetal, was two Pokémon. A Pawmot and Magenzone were in their place.

Ash: Pawmot Wild Charge, aim for the leg. Magenzone, fire a Thunderbolt at its beak.

Pawmot lunged himself right at the bird's legs. Bombardier kicked it away but got hit in the beak by a bolt of lightning. The titan tried to open his beak, but it wouldn't open. Sparks were coming from its legs and beak.

The flying titan weighed his options, before flying off.

Lillie: Thanks Ash! Just like a knight in shining armor.

Ash: I can still read your thoughts. Come on. Let's go see how May's doing.

May was doing surprisingly well. She got all her stones, except one. Mega Blastoise. That stone wasn't at the bottom of the swamp. This stone was inside a waterfall.

May: Blastoise can you maybe go on and grab the stone?

In response, the turtle king leapt through the water with, and 20 seconds later, came out a pearl.

May: Thank you, but I need a stone. A mega stone to be precise.

Blastoise went in there and grabbed a wad of seaweed. This happened another 10 times. Throughout the entire time, May was calm, just like Ash taught her. She eased her turtle. And finally, the Blastiose had his mega stone.


May and Blastiose embraced, then Ash appeared once again. But before May could react, he teleported himself, May, and Blastoise to the others. The group were talking about their travels, and Ash had a small smile.

Ash: Well, done. You all have your mega stones. This time it was much easier. When I was here, it was incredibly difficult. It took me 3 years just to find all of them. Maybe there's more out there, but for now I'll be waiting till the island calls me once again.

Ash teleports the group to the mainland. Ash goes into one knee, but right himself. The smile was still there. Tomorrow he was to battle one of the only people he called a comrade.

For the first time ever, the Mute Trainer was excited for a battle.

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