Chapter 22: Water vs Water!

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Round 11 is here, and so is a hurricane. A blue haired water trainer, not unlike Misty, was battling Ash. He was going to use a water type. He had a habit of beating people with their own types, just to prove he outclasses them in all ways.

Ref: Send out your pokemon! These battles don't really matter. Only ones that matter is Ash vs the champions. Now that is a match up!

Lana: Sandy, drown them!

Ash: Floatzel, please don't kill them.

Ash's insane, but lovable, battle weasel hit the field. He is a powerful battler, however, can sometimes kill a pokemon if freestyle. He is known as an overboard battler.  It was a joke among Ash's aces that the weasel challenged them a lot, but never won.  

Ref: Battle Begin!

Lana: Hydro Pump!

Ash: Counter Shield.

Before this battle, Ash saw Dawn's coordinate battle. She used something she called a counter shield. It required a pokemon to spin around while using the move, creating a mini tornado. It was an offensive and defensive move.

Ash was impressed and taught it to his Pokémon. Specifically, Floatzel and Pikichu. They loved the battle plan, and the pair quickly took a liking to Dawn.  

Floatzel started spinning around while using ice beam. A frozen tornado started forming, with a water weasel in the middle. When the jet of water reached it, all it did was add to the tornado, making it even more deadly.

Floatzel launched the ice tornado towards his opponent, who was sucked in and destroyed quickly. After the power of the move dissipated, Vaporeon was no more. Floatzel growled, wanting more.

Ash: Easy mate. It will come.

Lana: Lapras! Thunder Bolt!

A strike of lightning is fired, but Floatzel evades. Each time Lapras fires, the weasel just evades. Floatzel was incredibly bored. The pure water type was just dodging. Floatzel mostly practiced battling his master's electric types, and occasionally Pikachu. He could never beat the rat; however he perfected his batting style. Dodging was what he was born to do.  

Ash: Sonic Boom.

Floatzel grinned. This was his favorite move. Thunder like noises were made, like it was charging. Lapras was still firing the bolts, but Floatel just ignored the ice type. After a moment, Lapras flew up into the air! Floatzel jumped up, punched, jabbed, kicked, and pummeled the kanto ice type to its demise. Lapras fainted with a grunt.

Floatzel grinned and swatted some debris off his shoulder. Lana had stars in her eyes, and now wanted to catch a Floatzel. She threw out a Wailord, a massive pokemon that could crush Floatzel without even noticing.

Said weasel rolled his eyes. A lot of Ash's pokemon had lots of sass and swagger when it came to battling, Floatzel more than most. The pokemon was laughing. Wailord spat out a jet of water about the size of a skyscraper. Floatzel was hit and was launched about 50 feet. Floatzel got back up and just laughed it off.

Wailord was confused on how this weasel was laughing off a skyscraper hydro pump. Floatzel didn't have the power or the moveset to take on a Wailord, it was too tanky. However, he had a single move that could.  Well, it was more like a Z-move.  

Floatzel started doing weird dance moves. Ash grinned and started dancing as well. A black light crossed the duo, and a fighting aura was made.

Ash: All out pummeling.

Floatzel released all of the power inside him, and 20 hands of pure power pummeled Wailord into a pancake. Lana knew the power of a Z-move, so she was ready to return him. What she was not ready for was the move users to be full energy, and ready to go.

Lana: Primarina! Hyper Voice!

Ash: Floatzel, Focus Punch.

Floatzel had its fist reared back, charging up a deadly bow. An angelic sound was fired and weaponized, however Floazel grinned and waited. As soon as the move was a foot away, the weasel acted.

He sped up, with a punch right onto the fairy type's gut. Primarina flew back, but Floatzel wasn't done. A series of punch after punch awaited the starter, and Primarina fell. She got back up with shaky legs, so Lana used her secret weapon.

Lana: Use the power of your voice! OCEANIC OPERETTA!

Primorian sang a beautiful melody, and a giant bubble was made. The bubble rose into the air, then popped. A tsunami of pure destruction was aimed at the sinnoh pokemon, however Floatzel grinned. When the water hit him, the pokemon was engulfed. Lana was overjoyed with taking out a pokemon, however that was not the case.

Floatzel reappeared.

Riding the wave.

The pokemon rode the waves using its stomach and gave itself a surfboard. Everyone was flabbergasted, and Floatzel hit his opponent with its own move, along with an aqua jet. Primarina fainted, and none were more shocked than Lana.

She got swept by a water weasel, and it even used her own Z-move against her. Ash's eyes shone with mischief, and he walked away.

While Ash was beating Lana, his trainees got all of the Z-moves. They were currently heading back, so Ash decided to go catch the light trio. Without his teammates, he could get to Aloha by teleporting.

He was in front of a Altar. A moon and sun one. Ash put some of his aura into each one, and they started to glow. Two separate worm holes appeared, a blue and yellow one. Out came a Lunala, followed by a Solgaleo. Each knew that this trainer would help them, along with saving the world.

After giving their power to Necrozma he had 80%. One or two more legendaries left and he would finally be the powerful beast it was. Ash caught Lunala in a dusk ball, and Solgaleo in a nest ball.

After Ash caught his new companies, he decided to make their training plans.

The pokemon had great offensive power, however its speed made it not the most viable. If the the moone pokemon could be faster, as well as a good attacker and defense, then it would be one of the strongest legendaries even going toe-to-toe with a 25% Arecus at base. Ash was going to turn this pokemon into a

Just like his ally, speed was a troubling situation. Solgaleo's speed was something Ash was going to work on, along with taking hits. It was a slow, steel type, yet was't the best at taking hits. However, with a little training, it could shrug off any hit, including an Arceus powered Judgement.

Arecus was proud of his guardian. However, he knew the next challenge would be difficult. Much more difficult than anything so far.  This was a direct assault to Ash's favorite place.  His home for 3 years.  The guardian's training ground.   Ash was a legend there, the defender, and he loved it.  Its where he became who he was.    This place was his kingdom, and he loved it, just as much it loved him.  And no one could take that from him.  However, someone dared to try.   Ash's aura spiked, and his eyes became pitch black.  He had found out.  

Area Zero was under attack.  

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