Chapter 468

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[New Perk Unlocked: Power Holder]

Info: The caster may borrow 10% of all Base Stat Points and Mana Control efficiency from Party Members under the allegiance of the Rising Emperor. In addition, 10% of the caster's Base Stat Points and Mana Control may be temporarily distributed to any Party Members under the allegiance of the Rising Emperor.

The caster may only borrow or share exclusively; both actions cannot be performed simultaneously.

Members affected by this perk must be within range of the Rising Emperor's Domain.


My eyes widen, and I'm left in awe reading this new ability.

Up until now, it really only helped my teammates to gain new strength and temporarily use my skills when close to me.

Finally, I'll be able to reap the benefits of this perk myself, and in an incredible way.

Even though most of the people that swore allegiance to me are fairly low leveled, some below level 50, and a majority below level 150, their average is still around level 100 considering the outliers.

With an average base stat increase per level of roughly 2 points, a level 100 would have the base stats on Strength, Defense, Speed, Agility, and Mental Strength at roughly 200 each. Temporarily borrowing 10% of each of these may only raise my own stats by 20 points each... but the fact that I now have 100 people loyal to me means I can activate this perk and use all of their power whenever I wish.

That would be a 2000 point base stat increase. Adding the hundreds of % increases from my gear that stack upon my base rating, I just unlocked a new temporary buff that raises all of my stats to a tremendous degree with unlimited potential as long as I continue bringing more people into my settlement.

The only downsides I can think of are that it can only be activated when people are within my Domain's range, which is just over 100 meters in diameter at the moment. As my mana control and level grow, this will as well.

On top of that, I'm able to borrow mana control efficiency from my party members too. The only ones I'd really be benefiting any noticeable change from would be my core teammates, still 10% from each of them may mean the difference between life and death in a future battle.

I nod to myself, reading over the perk's description a few more times and confirm it's really all exactly how I see it, then mutter to myself. "Very good, now let's continue."

A new pair of middle-aged working men walk through the front door and I finish the sorting process for the final 50 people that come in from the square.

The final numbers end up at roughly 130 wanting to stay and live in this town. The majority of them took their care packages and thankfully made their way back to the housing I provided for them until further notice.

Just under 200 are lined up around the square with all their belongings in hand, ready to leave, while a small group of 30-40 still wait inside the guild hall as undecided.

While some have interesting circumstances and propositions, I let them step aside to talk to them later. Others are quite literally undecided, their indecisiveness wouldn't allow them to choose. They would neither declare loyalty to me, nor tell me straight to my face that they want to leave and go back to Solara.

I understand their situation may be tough, shock and trauma may be halting their abilities to react to my offering. However, I have no room in my heart and mind for people's feelings right now.

We're on the verge of war, and I'm giving them an opportunity with a simple choice. Stay or leave. If they haven't come up with an answer by the time I'm done with the line, they're packing up and leaving with everyone else.

[CH399+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now