28. Mafia

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I hope karma
slaps you in the
face before
I do

I was driving, on my way to pick up Tom from his school

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I was driving, on my way to pick up Tom from his school.

I swear that girl was ready to jump me if it weren't for her friends reminding her who my brothers were. Are they seriously that afraid of them. I'm pretty sure I'm more intimidating.

It has been a few weeks since I joined school, and I'm already chosen as the captain in the cheer team, and Bella didn't like that at all.

I joined the soccer team where Aly was the team captain, then there's the track team.

I found out that Bella's father was a soldier in the mafia.

I'm getting used to them being the Italians. But none other than my triplets know that I know, and we act all normal and all.

We went to a few fights where we watched each other fight, but we kept getting angry once one of us got hurt. I let the opponents hurt me on purpose as I want to feel the pain. However I don't feel anything even then.

We've been sneaking out more frequently and I'm slowly getting back to my old self. And honestly, it feels amazing as I've been getting good sex.

Anyway. As I was saying I was on my way to pick up my little brother as the others couldn't, they said they had a job emergency and I guessed it had to do with the mafia.

The guards were following from behind like they always do when I and the others go out.

I pull up to Riverside elementary school and parked the car. The outside was filled with kids running around, playing with friends or walking to their parent's car.

I was told to him in and pick him up. It confused me because Luc told me they pick him up outside the building. This was my first time picking him up though.

I got out, immediately being guarded by Vinezio and Angelo while the rest of the guards stayed back out.

We went to the receptionist. "Hi." The old lady greeted with a sweet smile.

"Hi. I'm here to pick up my little brother, Tommaso Moretti." I said politely with a kind smile.

"You must be Lucia Moretti?" She said, I nodded. "Okay, I'll sign him out and call for his teacher to get him. You can sit down and wait dear."

I went and sat down on a chair and the two sat on both sides of me.

We waited for a few minutes before I heard footsteps and saw a young lady, about in her early twenties walk over with Tom.

But that wasn't what made me shot up to my feet in a speed of a bulleted. It was a small bruise on his cheek.

"Tommy?" I called out as I walked to him. He was looking down staring at the floor till I called his name.

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