cold blooded weasly • chapter twelve

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WARNING: this chapter is mainly focused on sa (sexual assault) and sexual harassment

as you walk along the dim hogwarts corridor pushing past the crowds of people you see draco "hi mate, when are we doing?" you didn't want other people to hear so you didn't say

"y/n we cant discuss this now, but whenever your ready" he said staring cooly into my eyes you nodded and walked away

you are now by yourself, no one around you but a noise, a muffled cry, you have to check this out so as you get closer to this noise that's when you realise its hermione.

shes in danger, you start to run getting faster and faster each second no one will hurt her for aslong as you exist 

 your now right there standing outside hearing everything "stop moving hermione, no one is here to save you anymore" ronald weasly says as he touches hermione

"ron don't fucking touch me" yet you still hear him forcing her shirt off and pushing her to the floor "you'll do what i tell you to" he says as he groped her ass

that's when you lose your shit with him and burst in "let fucking go of her weasly- petrificus totalus!" he falls to the floor instantly you then point your wand at his neck. 

"if i find out you've been anywhere near here again weasly ill have you dead" you say looking deeply into his eyes with an anger

you can see he's scared as you see the tears forming as he's still frozen on the floor

so you take this chance to get away quickly

"hermione quick!" you shout back at her as you help her up, doing up her shirt for her

she says nothing, shes just crying. just hugs you so tight it hurts, but you can't say anything not now. "I'm glad your safe hermione"

very short chapter i know

hermione granger x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now