Our Friend Dies A Hero

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~~~~~Y/N's PΩV~~~~~

Here's my definition of not fun. Fly a Pegasus (I decided to join the Pegasus riding this time) toward an out-of-control helicopter. If Guido had been any less of a fancy flier, we would've been chopped to confetti.

I could hear Rachel screaming inside. For some reason, she hadn't fallen asleep, but I could see the pilot slumped over the controls, pitching back and forth as the helicopter wobbled toward the side of an office building. "Ideas?" Percy asked.

"You're going to have to take Guido and get out," Annabeth said.

"What are you going to do?" He asked, In response, she said, "Hyah!" and Guido went into a nosedive. "Duck!" Annabeth yelled. We passed so close to the rotors I felt the force of the blades ripping at my hair. We zipped along the side of the helicopter, and Annabeth grabbed the door.

That's when things went wrong.

Guido's wing slammed against the helicopter. He plummeted straight down with Percy on his back, I flew off sideways and caught myself with my wings, leaving Annabeth dangling from the side of the aircraft. I was so terrified I could barely think, but as Guido spiraled I caught a glimpse of Rachel pulling Annabeth inside the copter.

"Hang in there!" Percy yelled at Guido. Guido made a pained sound, I think his wing is busted "You can do it!" Percy yelled,  I tried to reach for the copter, but the wind kept blowing me away. "Just relax the wing. Extend it and glide." Percy's shouldn't have said that, because Guido fell directly on top of me and we fell like a rock—straight toward the pavement three hundred feet below. At the last moment Guido extended his wings. I was just able to get balanced. I saw the faces of centaurs gaping up at us. Then we pulled out of our dive, sailed fifty feet, and tumbled onto the pavement— pegasus over demigod.

Chiron galloped over with his medical pouch and began working on the pegasus. I got to my feet. When I looked up, my heart crawled into my throat. The helicopter was only a few seconds away from slamming into the side of the building. Then miraculously the helicopter righted itself. It spun in a circle and hovered. Very slowly, it began to descend. It seemed to take forever, but finally the helicopter thudded to a landing in the middle of Fifth Avenue. I looked through the windshield and couldn't believe what I was seeing. Annabeth was at the controls.

I ran forward as the rotors spun to a stop. Rachel opened the side door and dragged out the pilot. Rachel was still dressed like she was on vacation, in beach shorts, a T-shirt, and sandals. Her hair was tangled and her face was green from the helicopter ride. Annabeth climbed out last. I stared at her in awe. "I didn't know you could fly a helicopter."

"Neither did I," she said. "My dad's crazy into aviation. Plus, Daedalus had some notes on flying machines. I just took my best guess on the controls." "That was so hot" I said "You saved my life," Rachel said. Annabeth flexed her bad shoulder. "Yeah, well... let's not make a habit of it. What are you doing here, Dare? Don't you know better than to fly into a war zone?"

"I—" Rachel glanced at Percy. "I had to be here. I knew Percy was in trouble." "Percy's always in trouble" I said. "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have some injured friends I've got to tend to. Glad you could stop by, Rachel."

Annabeth and I calmly walked away to let Percy and Racheal catch up. "Honey, that was so cool!" Annabeth looked at me "Huh? what was?" I stared at her dumbfounded "THAT! Landing a helicopter...your so fucking cool" I took her hand in mine, it was warm and soft. I looked into Annabeth's eyes. I couldn't believe what she'd just done—saved Rachel's life, landed a helicopter, and walked away like it was no big deal.

I would've kept complimenting her if the ground didn't suddenly shake again, multiple demi-gods fell down and one Centaur fell onto their side. this had been happening alot in the past hour, Akeldama was growing more and more inpatient, I knew I would have to leave for Yankee stadium before the end of the day. I still wasn't ready.

Percy Jackson and the Child of Victory (Annabeth Chase x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon