vi | the journey from platform 9 and 3/4

211 22 1

Kings Cross Station

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Lyra winced when Bellatrix grabbed her arm roughly, pulling her back when she tried to walk forward to the Hogwarts Express. Draco looked at her nervously over his shoulder before stepping onto the train. Narcissa sent Bellatrix a warning glare, which the eldest sister ignored as she pulled the youngest aside.

"I'm warning you now, Lyra," she said lowly, glaring at her through her lidded eyes, "any rebellion and you will wish that you were never born. Do you understand me?"

Lyra nodded. "Yes, Bellatrix," she whispered, her nervousness growing. She knew exactly what she meant by 'rebellion': No associating with Mudbloods, bring honour to the family name, and most importantly. . .

"What house are you expected to make?" Bellatrix asked sternly.

"Slytherin," Lyra answered without missing a beat.

. . .she was not to be sorted into any house other than Slytherin.

"But. . ." She took a deep breath. "What. . .What if I don't make—"

"You will. You're a Black, and there are expectations that come with being that."

Lyra lowered her gaze. "I wish I wasn't a Black," she muttered.

"What did you just say?!" Bellatrix snapped. Lyra flinched.

"N-Nothing." The petite blonde gulped. She took a step back out of fear, her bottom lip trembling as she looked up at Bellatrix. When the dark-haired witch didn't do anything other than glare at her, she backed away and went to say her goodbyes to Narcissa.

The fair-haired woman kneeled down and wrapped her baby sister in a comforting hug. Lyra bit her lip. She tucked her head into the crook of Narcissa's neck, the comforting scent of her perfume calming her down a little.

"Don't let anything that Bella said scare you, Marcy," Narcissa whispered, using the nickname that she had given Lyra for her middle name, Marceline. She put a gentle hand on the back of her head, holding her closer. "It doesn't matter what house you make. Slytherin or not, you are still my little sister. Nothing is going to change that, okay? Look at me."

Lyra lifted her head so that she could look into Narcissa's matching blue eyes. It was no wonder people thought they were mother and daughter. She was the spitting image of a younger Narcissa.

Narcissa held the sides of her face gently, the pad of her thumb brushing a tear off of her cheek, which was dusted with light freckles. "I love you." She kissed her temple. "I'll see you at Christmas. Keep Draco out of trouble." She tapped Lyra's nose gently, smiling when the 11 year old giggled softly.

"I will. I love you, too, Cissy." Lyra gave her one last hug goodbye before boarding the Hogwarts Express.

She walked down the narrow corridor in search of a carriage. Each one she passed was full, including the one where Draco was. He gave her a small, apologetic smile and mouthed 'Sorry.'

Lyra continued until she found a compartment with only two other people. Inside were the two Mudblo— Muggle-born witches that she and Narcissa had met at Ollivander's wand shop.

Bellatrix and Lucius had always told her and Draco that witches and wizards that came from Muggles were inferior and had no place in their world. Until that day at Ollivander's, she had never even met a Muggle-born. After that encounter, her mindset shifted – not that she really had anything against them in the first place. She was just obeying what she had been told.

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