Midnight Chat

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'oh my God, why the fuck was that so exhausting. I fucking hate dumb people'

You thought to yourself, just as you closed the front door to your apartment. Who in the seven hells would've thought a job as a barista would be this hard?? Anyway, you decided to take a shower, but not before procrastinating with your beloved phone first. You took off all the unnecessary accessories, dropping down onto your slightly messy bed face-first, not bothering to get up due to not having any energy.

Just as you felt like you were about to pass out, your phone dinged with a notification from your messages. 'I'm boutta throw hands with this bitch, i just wanna sleep...' You thought to yourself, before inertly grabbing your phone with a bit of force, but it got the job done, so who cares. You opened your phone with the fingerprint sensor, almost getting distracted enough to start scrolling on tiktok, but that urge disappeared when you noticed another notification from your messages. It was from Chando, the waitress that almost made you ga- ahem.

Chando🧋: ...こんにちは、チャンドです。Y/Nですか?||EN:hello, this is Chando. Is this Y/N?

You took a moment to try and read the Japanese message typed out by Chando herself, attempting to put your Japanese lessons to use, though it doesn't last long before you just decide to use a translator instead.

Y/N ⭐: はい、そうです。ごめんなさい、日本語が下手なので翻訳機を使っています :3 。||EN: Yes, it's me. Sorry, my Japanese is bad, so I'm using a translator :3.

Chando🧋: 大丈夫、私も英語は苦手だから。;-; ||EN: It's okay, I'm not good at English either. ;-;

What a relief... also a problem, cause no way you're ever gonna find time to learn Japanese again, let alone become fluent just to talk to her in her native language. It's probably the same situation for her, but at least she knows a bit of English.. and you? Probably a pinch of Japanese, but that's literally it.

Anyway, the fact she gave out such a fast response and returned the little emoticon you gave was really cute in your eyes, like.. that kinda stuff wouldn't happen if you were texting a guy (ew.), but you carried on with messaging Chando even if it was almost past the time you usually have dinner.

Y/N ⭐: もう夕食は食べた?料理を作るのが億劫なんだ。||EN: Have you eaten dinner yet? I'm too lazy to make food.

Chando🧋: いや、まだだ。疲れていて起き上がれない。||EN: No, not yet. I'm too tired to get up.

Chando🧋: お元気ですか?まだ疲れているの? ||EN: How are you doing? Are you still tired?

Y/N ⭐: very tired ||EN: wait what

Y/N ⭐: ごめん、英語が滑った。 ||EN: Sorry, my English slipped.

Chando🧋: ああああ かわいい :33 ||EN: aaaa cute :33

When you receive that text message, you had to stop for a moment to process what Chando said to you. Quite literally, you just froze in front of your phone screen, lying on your bed and genuinely smiling like an idiot. Being called "cute" by Chando just sounded like a dream at this point, but it happens, I guess.

Chando🧋: 何か言いたいことはある?今度いつ会えるのか話したい。||EN: Do you have anything to say to me? I wanna talk about when we can meet again

Y/N ⭐: 僕のために英語を話してみてくれないか?もしできなくても構わない。||EN: Nothing much, I just wanna ask if you could try speaking English for me? It's okay if you can't, I'm just curious.

Chando🧋: 英語は少ししか話せません、ごめんなさい。||EN: I can only speak a little English, sorry.

Chando🧋: hii, I'm Chando, nice to meet you :D

Chando🧋: ちゃんと言ったか?||EN: Did i say it right?

Y/N ⭐: omg ur so cute ahay pookie wookie sahdjahsdajsdhjahdjfshgshgfdjgrgfjsr

Y/N ⭐: 構わない :3 ||EN: Don't mind that :3

What the fuck did I just get possessed by. The lesbian lords?? The bisexual brothers???? ...anyway, whatever you sent probably didn't make sense to her, so she tried to put your text message through the translator. Although the only thing that made sense was the "you're so cute" part, she could probably guess you were going insane in lowercase letters.

Chando🧋: なんだこれえ ||EN: what is thisss

Haha shit, I'm in danger :333

Chando🧋: とにかく、次はいつ会える?もうすぐ夕食だから、電話を置くよ ||EN: Anyway, when can we meet again? I'm gonna have dinner soon so I'm gonna put down my phone for a while.

Oh thank God she didn't question that. THE LAWD IS GOOOODDD

Y/N ⭐: 明日はどうだ?午前10時から午後2時までシフトがあるんだ。||EN: How about tomorrow? I have a shift from 10 A.M to 2 P.M

Chando🧋: 明日また会おう <3 ||EN: Sounds good, I'll see you tomorrow <3

And with that, you finally put your phone down to lazily make dinner, perhaps the cup ramen you always have might be catching up to your physical and mental health (cough cough indomie cough cough buldak ramen packets), but who cares, food is food. You went over to your cabinet full of a few types of ramen packets, paying little to no attention to whatever you grabbed, as long as it was similar to the usual you had at night when you didn't have anything else to eat.

About 15 minutes later, you return to your bedroom with a steaming hot cup of ramen, along with an already hard-boiled egg from a few days ago and a thin few slices of meat on the side. Past you probably already predicted you'd want an egg on the side, so that's that. To sum up, you pretty much just went with your night as usual, except you actually got the motivation to take a shower before going to bed this time.

Precisely at 11 P.M, you dropped back onto your bed, pulling the covers over yourself and starting to get comfortable. You don't know why, but on most nights you'd count how much sleep you'll get if you fell asleep just then. It's the only time your brain decides to work when it comes to math, but whatever.

-- Goodnight.


hallowww me again :33 (wtf)

so basically i think the pattern of the chapters are gonna be like day - night - day - night - day - etc if u get what i mean, idk if i can keep up w/ biweekly post tho so sorryyyrjskdfksdf

-Zye, 🇮🇩 adomin and a gay guardian 💥

wordcount: 964 words

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