23. To worry, or not to worry

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The dawn was eating away the darkness of the night when Wahag stumbled his way towards the dark vehicle the servants directed them to.
Even animals know when to stop eating. The voice protested as Wahag held a hand over his mouth trying to deflect a gag.
Earlier, Madame Balqis had led them through a secret tunnel leading to her mansion where they were offered a meal spread that had more plates and options than Wahag knew existed while observing people for a hundred years.
The smell of fresh food made the pain of hunger a million times worse as he chose a random seat from the over 30 empty seats surrounding the table.
Prince took a seat on the other edge, but Dow grabbed a small plate of the nearest whatever that she could reach and leaned on a window watching while she nibbled.
From the window, Dow could see her mother's riches. The dinning hall was designed to expose the estate like a woman showing off pearls around her neck. Even at night, spot lights reflected off of over dozens of golden statues and precious stones.
"One of these could feed us for 10 years," Prince spat his food a bit as he spoke over his plate. It seemed like him and Wahag had began a silent food competition.
"I wouldn't want to feed anyone from her filthy money," Dow's expression darkened.
"She's right. Where money comes from really matters in the human world. You can't do good with money that was obtained through unethical means. The money carries a debt," Wahag started choking on the food, till Dow handed him a cup of liquid with an exasperated look.
"And yet, he is pigging out on her food," Dow said between her teeth, but Wahag couldn't hear her over his coughs.
Soon, a servant, who looked at Wahag and Prince's stuffed faces with absolute disgust, entered the room and announced that it was time for them to leave.
"Where is Madame Balqis?" Dow asked.
"If Madame Balqis wanted to be present to you, she would have been," the servant put on a gentle smile that confused Dow for a second about the nature of what he was saying.
After stumbling through few gates and hallways leading to the backdoors of the mansion, the three of them were escorted to a small black vehicle that looked out of place with dents and dirt.
"I guess your mother is still angry about the whole Jonah thing," Prince burped before climbing into the driver's seat, but not before Dow pulled him from the back of the shirt.
"Where do you think you are going? When was the last time you even drove?" Dow interrogated. When Prince rolled his eyes at her, "Go sit in the back."
Dow used every bit of her memory, from the last time she came to the village to find information on the summoning talisman ball, to navigate the quickest way out. To her surprise, it was easier than she expected, maybe too easy.
She called for Wahag over her shoulder, but he was sound asleep and snoring.
Something didn't add up, but Dow wasn't sure if it's just her pessimism or really something was off. She sped towards the exit of the village, and when they reached the woods, Dow felt a sense of relief wash over her despite familiar eerie feeling of the woods.
The drive in the woods stretched for hours and the pigging out came with a price.
"We need to stop," Wahag crossed his legs tightly with his back hunched over.
"We don't have time if we want to make it before sunset," Dow warned.
"A very disgraceful thing will happen in this vehicle if we don't stop," Wahag warned back.
Dow pressed her foot down on the breaks hard and Wahag fell forward before the vehicle came to a complete stop.
"Wait! Wait!!" Dow tried to stop Wahag from darting outside on his own but there was no stopping him.
Prince and Dow both got out of the car in an attempt to spot him, but Wahag took shelter behind a tree to relieve himself.
Prince was going to ensure his safety when, "Don't. Something feels off today," Dow scanned the trees around them, "He won't go far. We'll hear him if he needs help."
Prince went back to the vehicle and leaned on it, "I still don't understand why you are risking everything for him."
"I am not," Dow shock her head gently and went to find a spot next to Prince and sat on the edge of the open door, "I know you don't believe in this stuff, but I keep having a weird dream that he carries the key to ending our misery. He knows something that will change everything. "
"You think the prophecy has something to do with us?" Prince said it with a bit of disbelief.
"Maybe... I don't know," Dow rubbed her temples.
Wahag reappeared from between the trees, "I will never get used to that part of being human."
"Let's go. Something doesn't feel right about anything today," Dow gave the woods another scan.
"Why? I can't hear the hounds," Wahag paused to listen for a minute, "Nothing. It's all quiet."
"Exactly, these woods are usually bustling with hounds. Their den should be closeby, and yet not one is around," Dow's attention was fully on Wahag almost trying to read the air through him.
Prince gave both of a distant side look, "Let's just get back to the road."
The next few hours, everyone silently observed the woods.
"We are here," Dow said as she came to a stop at the foot of a mountain, "We have to walk the rest."
As Wahag stepped out of the vehicle, something about the place filled him with a mix of emotions. He was excited and hurt all at the same time. But he somehow found himself leading the way, like a spell that took over him. He found a small trail that ended in a tight ledge with high drop below. When he stopped over the ledge, Prince grabbed him and Wahag snapped to consciousness, "Where the heck do you think you are taking us?" Prince yanked Wahag back to a safer ground.
"The cave is hidden on the other side of that ledge," Wahag wasn't surprised anymore at memories surfacing.
"The sun is already almost gone. So we need to be quick," Dow stepped on the ledge first and Wahag followed. Prince tried to get on it but he was too big, it was hard to hold on to the wall like Wahag and Dow did. He stepped back quickly.
"This is suicide!" Prince roared.
"Wait for us here. We won't take long," Wahag assured Prince and Dow nodded at Prince to second the notion. Prince kicked a rock as the two of them disappeared around the corner.
The ledge was tight and even Wahag stared to doubt himself.
"Over there!" Dow rejoiced as she gestured at the entrance of a cave.

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