CH: 16

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"Ish, let’s go for a movie,” Shubman said, though he knew the other’s reply.

Pausing from styling his hair, Ishan frowned at the unruly strands that kept falling on his forehead. "Sorry, meri jaan. I've got plans in an hour,” he said inattentively.

"Yeah, plans with me." Shubman grinned.

No.” Ishan let out an amused huff, finally turning to him. "How about we go tomorrow?"

Shubman shot him an unimpressed look, his hand reaching out to gently brush Ishan’s hair aside. Ishan let out a small groan as more loose strands fell across his forehead.

“Are you meeting Aditi?”

“Yeah,” Ishan replied, a smile tugging at his lips.

“Is it a date?”

Warmth crept up Ishan’s ears as he felt a flutter of giddiness at the word date. “Yes, I’m so–”

“Don’t go.”

Ishan looked up at Shubman with a small frown. “What?”

Shubman inched closer, his hand gliding down Ishan's face before cradling his jaw. “I don't want you to go on a date with her.”

“Well, I want to.” Ishan tilted his head in confusion. “I’ll go to the movies with you tomorrow, alright?”

“What will you do on the date anyway?” Shubman asked in response.

Ishan averted his gaze from Shubman's face, which seemed to be drawing nearer with each passing minute. “You know… Um, just talk and…”

Shubman whispered, his breath warm against Ishan's skin, "Hold her hand?" He trailed his fingers down Ishan’s arm, brushing teasingly against his fingers before intertwining them.

“Y-Yeah.” Ishan glanced down at their locked fingers, wanting to break away but couldn't for some reason.

Shubman's gaze drifted down to Ishan's lips. "Kiss her?" he asked in a whisper, causing Ishan's breath to hitch slightly.

“I don't know,” he muttered weakly. Shubman’s eyes traced back to his eyes, intense and unwavering.

“I think you should practice a little, hm?”

“What are you talking about?” Ishan mumbled, licking his lips subconsciously.

Shubman smirked. “I know you’re not that docile, darling.”

Before Ishan could reply, Shubman's lips brushed against his own, lingering there, as if waiting for permission. He cussed mentally as he pressed forward, making Shubman smile against his lips.

Ishan moaned a little when Shubman bit on his lip while entering, followed by sucking on his tongue to compensate. Ishan’s smaller frame pressed against the other’s hard chest, their bodies flushing together. Shubman wrapped a hand around Ishan’s waist to pull him even closer.

"Can't let you go out when you taste like this," Shubman whispered between rough little pants as they pulled apart for air.

“I… I need to go, Shub– ah.”

Ishan tilted his head back, inviting Shubman’s lips to his bare neck, where the boy left a trail of hot kisses. He tensed a little when Shubman’s hand reached for his ass. He waited for a grope but the hand slipped into his back pocket instead, retrieving his phone.

“Call her,” Shubman murmured as he held out the phone.

“What?” Ishan breathed heavily as Shubman returned to kissing his neck.

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