CH: 22

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Ishan was more confused than heartbroken as he watched Shubman leave. He wanted to call out, stop him, but his throat felt parched. Was this how Shubman had felt when he left? Why was everyone always leaving in this story? Where were they going?

After seconds of staring into the hallway, as if hoping Shubman would suddenly reappear, he finally remembered to breathe.

“Why does it feel like I just got… rejected?” he mumbled.

Aditi let out an amused huff. “Does that mean you were about to confess?”

Ishan looked back at her, realizing what he had said. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment. “W-What? No, I was just talking about the general… aura of the situation.”

Aditi sighed, making him drape his arm around her neck for support. “Okay, hero, let’s get you some first-aid.”

Ishan winced as he pushed himself onto his feet. “I’m sorry I involved you in this shit,” he said, a hint of sadness in his tone.

“Hm. You do have quite a lot to be sorry about, Ish,” she teased.

A silence settled between them, the cool evening breeze kissing Ishan's bruises as they walked down the hallway. He hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "I didn't lie to you. I really did like you," he admitted softly.

“I know.” Aditi smiled before looking away. “But you didn't love me.”

There was a pause before Ishan whispered, “I couldn't.”

It's as if his soul didn't allow him to. It had known all along, long before he did, what it meant to really love someone. There was no sudden epiphany, no dramatic realization. It wasn't a matter of love at first sight or anything of that sort. Instead, it was familiarity. Like: “Oh, it's you. I’m glad it's you.”

“It's okay,” Aditi chuckled. “People act like it's the end of the world when someone doesn't love you back.”

“Is it not?” Ishan asked weakly, glancing at her.

Aditi hummed. “Would you give up cricket if you lost an important match?”

“No,” Ishan replied, scrunching his nose. “I mean, I would be sad, but I don't play cricket with any expectations. I play because I love it.”

“I, too, didn't love you in hopes of you returning it,” Aditi said with a warm smile.

Ishan gulped, feeling like he would turn into water if he looked at her any longer. “I’m sorry,” was all he could say.

“I am not.”


“I am not sorry for loving you. Don't make me feel like I should be. Don't look at me like I’m a tragedy.”

Ishan nodded, reaching to place a light kiss on the crown of her head. “I’ll always be there for you, Adi.”

“I know.” Aditi cracked a genuine smile, leading him into the infirmary.

Maybe that's what it was; sometimes you meet people and things don't work out, but that doesn't mean they have to leave. Or you have to leave. For Ishan, living under the same sky as Aditi was enough.

For Aditi, wishing to meet Ishan again in another life was enough.

“Your taste in men is questionable though,” Aditi said when she walked Ishan to his dorm.

Ishan spluttered, his cheeks warming with embarrassment. "W-What are you talking about?”

Aditi shot him an unimpressed look. “Really? After calling him your moon? Really, Ish?”

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