CH: 24

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Ishan's eyes shone with such intensity that Shubman could have mistaken it for tears, if not for the fondest smile on his face.

Shubman cleared his throat. “Stop looking at me like that,” he muttered.

“Like what?”

“Like you are… um, constipated.”

Ishan blinked. “What?”

Shubman cursed himself mentally before adding, “Feelings. You seem constipated with feelings.”

Ishan wasn't sure whether to laugh at Shubman or knock him out. Leaning in, he grabbed a fistful of Shubman's shirt and pulled him closer. “Are we just going to ignore the elephant in the room then?”

Shubman’s breath hitched at the proximity, and he tried to avert his eyes. “I don't know what you're talking about,” he mumbled.

Ishan gave him a little jerk, forcing Shubman to look back at him. His gaze dropped to the other's lips before tracing back up to his eyes. “Should I show you?” he said, barely above a whisper.

Shubman felt parts of himself melting away. He took a sharp breath before managing to whisper, “Yes, please.”

As much as Ishan wanted to dive in roughly, to make their teeth and tongues clash, to have it wet and dirty– because that's how they did it all these times– he didn't. Instead, he slowly placed his lips over Shubman’s, and they met in a gentle, tender kiss. It was like a whisper, soft and sweet, filled with unspoken confessions. His hand reached up to cradle Shubman's jaw, while his other hand made comforting circles on Shubman's nape.

"I love you, I love you, I love you," Ishan's mind repeated like a broken record.

"I love you," Shubman echoed as he pulled away, his breath coming out in a gasp.

Ishan smiled, his eyes tracing Shubman's face, his touches lingering over its soft corners. “Yeah, I know,” he replied softly.

Shubman's heart felt like it was about to leap out of his chest. He had never felt like this, not even when he lifted the first trophy for Meridian. He wasn't sure what expression to make.

“You knew?”

“Didn't you?”

Shubman stared at Ishan, who looked like the sun. He was fiery. Shubman was burning, hot wax trailed down his ankles and scorched his skin. He had never felt more alive. He was burning in Ishan's gaze, and he couldn't look away. He wouldn't look away.

"Yeah," Shubman said, releasing a breath he didn't realize he was holding. A bubbling laugh escaped him as he threw his head back. "Yeah, I did.”

How could he have not known when whole of his life had been about Ishan than himself? He had always known. His soul had always known.

Ishan grinned, mirth shining in his eyes. “I love you too,” he said with a giggle.

Shubman had to bury his face in a pillow to hide the giddiness he felt. Ishan was just too cute for his heart to handle. He peeked out from behind his hands when he felt the other's weight on his body.

"Bad Shubi! You're supposed to hug me and never let me go," Ishan scolded playfully.

Shubman groaned to himself. Lord, have mercy on him. “Don't blame me if you die of suffocation,” he muttered before pulling Ishan down with him, rolling onto the bed. He blew raspberries on the crook of Ishan’s neck, causing him to burst into more giggles.

Shubman was disgusted and impressed alike at how his heart immediately turned into a mushy, gooey poodle for Ishan. “I’m going to eat you up,” he said, pressing kisses along the other's neck.

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