Chapter Eleven: What's your Name?

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The boy, maybe just a bit older than me — The one that dished out our food — comes back. "Yes?" He dips his head in a form of respect to her.

She scowls deeply, and repeats what she said before. "Get the girl to her room or something!"

He nods, and smiles at me again. I'm really worried for Clover, but still give one back. Why didn't I do something earlier? What if she's in trouble now? Oh, she probably is in trouble, and I just let her get taken.

He dips his head again. "Right this way,"

We walk away from the table. Others are already starting to clean up the mess made, and I feel obliged to help, since that is what I usually do. We start to make our way up the stairs.

Once we are far enough away from the others, I start talking to this dirty-coat. "Uh, mister, do you have any idea where my sister went?"

"I saw a girl in a green dress going up to Lord Sun's bedroom." He murmurs, "I don't believe anything good will come of it."

I nod solemnly, and look down. "Thanks. I—"

He cuts me off, "Don't go in there. It's dangerous right now — It's dangerous everywhere right now. Wait until tomorrow."

This dirty-coat looked so concerned for me. Why? I don't even know him, and we really are not supposed to be talking. Aren't they supposed to be ruthless animals?

He stares at me, and waits for my answer. Technically he cannot tell me to do anything, because dirty-coats have to work under white-coats. However, he seems nice. He seems like just some kid, like I am, confused on this whole day. So I give him a nod.

"Thank you," I say in barely a whisper.

He nods back, before we hear a loud crash downstairs. Pieces of some plate are everywhere, and the wives quarrel with one another. That boy who was reading the book is leading the other children somewhere else in the house.

'I remember something like that happening,' I think. Some memory from years back itches my brain, and all I remember is a plate breaking, and Clover tugging at my arm.

I turn away. I have to stay in the present. Get lost in the past, and there is no way out.

He looks worried, too. "Your room is right over here,"

He tells me, and points to a small door way down the hallway. I nod and thank him, and then start to make my way to it. Before I can disappear into my new, dark, room, I feel obliged to give him more of a thank you than just a nod.

"What's your name?" I ask him.

The peasant boy blinks at me; confusion fills his chocolatey brown hues. "Uhm, Bean, and you?"

"I'm Hebe," I reply with a small smile.

He gives me one back. "Nice to meet you, Hebe, maybe I'll see you around."

I give him another nod, and then go into my room. It is cold, dark, and ranks of some musty oder. I'll have to clean it up one of these days.

I fall onto my new bed. Despite the rest of the wrecked room, the bed isn't too bad. Something felt off about this.

I miss Clover, but not only that.

I feel as though I'm making a mistake; one that will mess everything up sooner or later. I don't know what, though.

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