Chapter Twelve: I--?

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(The next day...)

I find myself back downstairs this morning. For some reason, I cannot stand being in that room. My new room. It just feels so off without having Clover there with me.

Then again, I should have seen this coming, since we are grown now.

I like to wake up early. The sunrises here are always so pretty. Right now, I'm just cleaning the windows. Not so much for the good of the house, but more so to just enjoy the sunrise.

Clover and I love to watch them together. That is another reason on why I enjoy waking up early. The other is because it is so peaceful.

I'm extremely worried for her. I still don't see her anywhere. Why didn't I do anything about that last night? Why did I just stand there, like a scared little bird?

I checked Lord Sun's bedroom really early this morning. Clover was not there, but Lord Sun was, and a horrible stench along with him. I know that stench, and I know it is not from how filthy he is.

That is the third reason on why I'm up so early. To look for Clover. I need to find her.

I stop cleaning the window for a moment. I see a figure farther off in the distance, and strangely, I recognize it as Bean, the dirty-coat servant from yesterday.

Strangely enough, I find myself making my way outside. Women, even after they are married, typically do not go outside. We have our domestic duties, and those are usually inside the home.

He is gardening. I know how to garden, too. Mom showed Clover and I, but those were with some of our indoor plants.

I quietly open the door. The grass here is softer than the ones at home. The bees are still snoozing in their little homes, so I'm not accompanied by their sweet buzzes.

He hears me coming. "Hebe? Good morning,"

"Good morning!" I reply, and make my way over to him. Bean is watering some of the flowers nearby the kitchen window.

I make sure to keep my tone not too loud. I'm not completely sure why I'm here, but that feeling from yesterday night has me on my toes.

"It's nice to see you here," He says.

I nod. Bean reminds me of Clover. Neither see others as white-coats or dirty-coats. — Shoot! Clover! I have to find her. Now I know why I came here.

Bean notices my quick change of expression. He stops watering the flowers. "What's wrong?"

"Eep, I'm so sorry," I trip over my words. I feel bad. I just came here, and now I'm about to leave. "I'm still... looking for Clover. Do you have any idea on her whereabouts?"

Bean gives a grim nod. "I saw her in the library."

I turn to leave. Again, I feel bad. For some reason, this guy is so nice, and this really hurts me to just keep running off.

"Uh, I'll try to come back later."

Bean nods again. Bean nods a lot. "I'll be here,"


I haven't really been to the library, because this really is only my first day here. This place is creepy, yet peaceful. Like a sunset; creepy because of the oncoming night and darkness, but also peaceful from the serenity and colors.

It takes me a minute to find Clover. The walls of pure knowledge and books, that I will never be able to use, surround me. Women aren't as smart as men, so there is no use in learning that kind of wasteful stuff; according to my mom.

"Clover!" I whisper quite loudly. It bounces off of the long, endless hallways.

She sits in a ball, with her legs tucked tightly beside her chest. She rocks back and forth now and then. Clover holds herself in a hug by tightly keeping herself together with her arms.

She looks up from my call. Her eyes are red and swollen from crying. Tears roll down her cheeks. I feel my heart break.

I immediately dart over to her. "What happened?"

Clover shakes her head. "Just be glad you're an undesirable, useless dirty-coat,"


"Go away!" She snaps loudly.

Her words sting. Undesirable? Useless? Here, when I thought she didn't judge others by whether they were dirty-coat or white-coat, she is.

She's just hurt, though. She's hurt, and it's all my fault because I was being useless. When she needed me, I wasn't even able to help.

We both hear the patter and clicking of someone else's shoes. Clover buries her head in her knees again. I see one of Lord Sun's wives, that I guess we are, too, now.

She grabs my collar, and yanks me away. "Are you idiotic?" She hisses. She's the dirty-blonde.

"I'm sorry," I say; mainly from habit.

"You're impure. You should not be talking to the other wives." She hisses.

The wife pushes me away. I catch a glimmer of remorse in here eyes. That turns to concern as she sees my sister.

I shrug off the pain that hits me.

For once, I feel so... alone.

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