The Incident That Turns into LOVE.

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The story till now.

While they were talking , someone was boiling with anger,but then suddenly she came and splashed water on Y/n's face.


Everyone was shocked, by seeing her  taking this actions, here Y/n was still rewinding what just happened.

Eun Ae-Bitch !!what's the problem with??!

JIMIN-Have u gone insane?!First you hurted Jk now why her , what did she to you?!

Jk-I dare you to touch her and die! , fucking get out or we don't know what we will do to you??!

V-Dont you understand our words?!or you wanna make us do something to make you leave!huh?

Eun Ae-Bitch ! You really have some guts huh?! Can't you leave with just word.

Everyone was cursing her , and Y/n was watching it quietly but , now she as lava that is going to blow up.

??-I will definitely take my revenge you bitch,  you are just a new trash and started getting along with my friends.

JIMIN-ALLA!! STOP IT!!! or you will face the consequences,  and who told you that we are your friends we ended up the friendship when you ended up with Jk, understand!!!!??

ALLA-Why always me,you don't know she is a gold digger,I am sure she will cheat you.

Y/N-Ohhhh, Whats up with the maater of cheating , huh! I am gold digger huh,the one who is that is standing in front of me. And by seeing I know how are,such an big asshole ,huh!!What revenge you will take huh, what???????! If you wanna your self alive tomorrow u shall fucking leave , and I am girl of my words,UNDERSTOOD??! I shall show you this in actions, do u want me to?!

Alla left while stamping her leg,loudly. Suddenly the bell rang.

TEACHER-Y/N  and ALLA should be on my office , nowww!!

Teacher left..

JIMIN-Angrybird you are really something,  the answer you gave was awesome!

JK-Heyy ,good job!


EUN AE-Thats my girl! U shall be like this in future too.

Y/N -Okay okay!Now I have to go to office I will be seeing you after a while,bye!

EUN AE-Y/N aren't you scared,??

Y/N -Why shall I?!I didn't do anything,  she did it , soo it's not my fault sweety!

All-okay !go for it!

In Teachers office.

Teacher-Whats the matter with you too?why did you do that?

Y/N-She started it though.

ALLA-She bullied me mam[ fake tears]

Y/N-Wtf ( what a mf !crocodile tears )

TEACHER-Is that soo Y/N??!

Y/N -It's her crocodile tears just to make her word correct, you can check CCTV footage it should be recorded.

TEACHER-If that's the matter I will surely not leave the child who did it.

Teacher saw THE CCTV footage and knew all the matter.

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