Crossing the Line

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requested by stelleris


After everything, they were about to do it.

They were finally going to get the Moonstone.

Y/n had been traveling with Rapunzel, her older sister, and a small group of friends on their quest for months now. After numerous adventures, including- but not limited to- destroyed caravans, a mysterious woman who revealed herself to be part of the "Brotherhood", another Brotherhood member sworn to destroy them, a mysterious prophecy, and a hot minute where they thought Eugene had betrayed them for his father- who, by the way, was literally the king of the Dark Kingdom- they'd done it.

She hadn't originally wanted to come on the journey, but things were... complicated. When she'd met a young alchemist from Old Corona, Varian, she'd instantly developed a bit of a crush. Y/n thought she would never hurt her family, but Varian seemed to take advantage of her feelings and persuade her into helping him- assisting in his experiments, stealing the Sundrop flower, and building automatons to get what he wanted.

It was only when Varian decided to try and kidnap her mother that Y/n had enough. She'd stormed out of his lab in rage, and he hadn't been able to stop her.

A few days later, Rapunzel and her friends went to fight him and save her mother. Y/n didn't go with them. She wasn't sure how she'd react to seeing Varian's face again- she still cared for him, and frankly? She was scared of what she might do if he convinced her.

Next thing she knew, Rapunzel reported Varian as defeated and thrown in the dungeons. Y/n wanted to visit him, but she barely had time before Rapunzel and her gang left on their journey- making the sudden decision to accompany them had prevented her from seeing the alchemist even once.

She'd missed him a lot over the months they'd been gone. Still, though, it helped to have a purpose.

And she'd finally achieved it.

The Moonstone waited just beyond this door. Well- just beyond the debris blocking the door.

Rapunzel, Eugene and Cassandra had already crawled under a fallen statue to reach the Moonstone's chamber. Y/n hesitated a moment, but crawled after the three.

The chamber was pitch black.

More than pitch black, actually, if such a level existed. Y/n could barely see three feet in front of her face.

She looked down at what she could see, having not been in this chamber yet. This light level was probably normal.

"Something isn't right." Eugene warned. "It was lighter in here... when I came before. You could see the stone."

"I don't understand." Rapunzel questioned. "The stone goes right there, right?"

She pointed out into the vast blackness. If she could see something- Sundrop powers, maybe?- Y/n certainly couldn't.

"I don't know, guys." Y/n said hesitantly. "Something feels... off."

While Rapunzel had inherited the Sundrop's healing powers, it had given Y/n a smaller, less grand gift. She could sense the auras and effects of the two stones, seeing where they'd been and who they blessed. Rapunzel practically radiated the Sundrop's power, and flashes of golden light split through Y/n's mind when she made eye contact. Y/n had learned to recognize the Moonstone's power over the past few months as well. The Dark Kingdom was lined with it, a faint turquoise glow that just barely lingered at the corners of Y/n's vision, disappearing when she focused too hard. The Brotherhood members had seemed to give it off, too- not as powerful as Rapunzel, but its influence shone from them like sunlight filtered through water.

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