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-life is like a dance no matter what you have to keep moving-
𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗯𝗼𝘆 - 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 : 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗹𝘃𝗲

"AYE IM NOT A HUNDRED percent sure mayne but I coulda swore I sure lil man kissin on your sister" JARVIS, also know as JJ relayed to keem, over the phone.

Jarvis was one of Keems closest friends, the two practically grew up together and keem trusted jj a lot, so when keem went to jail he had asked jj to keep an eye on his sister for him and that's exactly what jj was doing, watching from a distance.

So when jj was on the way to the court to meet with some of his friends on the block and was passing the deli he spotted the girl, he was about to go up to her and ask her how she had been howeve at the same time dd came out of the deli with a bag in his hands shoving the bag full of candy into the girls arms making her smile

before the two swiftly started kissing, jj was stunned, he was watching his little sister figure loose her innocence, in his eyes Veronica was such a sweet little girl and dd was tarnishing that

"The fuck is you talking about, you sure it was my Veronica?" Keem scrunched his brows up

"Yup it was deffo her, and homeboy was all kissing up on her like it was nun new"

"What'd he look like?"

"Lil curly head boy, him and his brother be rapping, light skins" jj described

"Ain't no way you talking about who I think you talking about, you not talking about dd is you?"

Jj thought for a moment before the answer hit him "oh yeah, that was his name, him"

"Oh he got me fucked up" keem yelled angrily

"This automated call has one minute left" the automatic voice announced making keem kiss his teeth

"Ight jay imma speak to you later Ight"



Thinking logically the first person keem decided he was gonna talk to next was dd, keem had already had his one call per day so it gave him all the time to think carefully about what he was gon say to the boy

"How you been bro?" Keem asked calmly

"I've been good man, how you holding up in there?" dd responded

"What about vero?" Keem ignored DD's question

"Yeah she's good" dd nodded

"You been looking after her?" Keem asked another question, dd starting to pick up on the fact that keem didn't sound too happy

"Uh yeah"

"You two been up to anything?"

"Nah not really"

"You lying to me?" Keem asked bluntly


"You know I got niggas watching you right"

"Watchu talking about?" Dd scrunched is brows in confusion

"One of my niggas seen you and her together, look Ian care what you be doin with all those other girls, messin around with them and shi, but my sister ain one of your little hoes, she's a good girl and ion want you messing around with her like that, so I'm telling you from now, ion want you round my sister no more, cause i don't wan have to kill somebody"

"Wait hollon man it ain't like that"

"Ion care what it's like dead that shit right now"

Vero felt all giddy, she had this weird feeling in her stomach every time she thought of him and a involuntary blush flushed to cheeks, every time she thought about dd

It was so strange for the girl, vero had gone from being annoyed by the boy, to tolerating him to suddenly feeling different around him, good different, the type of different where you suddenly start to realise that this boy has you stuck constantly thinking about him

Vero was trying to distract herself by painting her nails, blowing on the wet paint carefull not to smudge them and with her other dry hand she kept on tapping on her phone, counting down the time it would take before dd would get here

The boy told the girl previously he may be coming over slightly later than usual as he had the studio booked but after the studio session he'd make his way over to the girl straight away, so at first vero didn't question when he was late to show up, but then hours went by till the point were the girl couldn't keep her eyes open for any longer and quickly realised he wasn't showing up

The next morning the first thing vero did was check her messages to see if dd had texted, but he hadn't, instead he had blocked the girl

The girl was utterly shocked, all this had came out of nowhere, she couldn't understand why the boy would not show up and suddenly block her

She thought that maybe she had done something wrong, deep down she new she hadn't, but she still wandered anyways

Unedited and unfinished idc

I got suspended from school so the next update you gon get is prolly gon be by next year

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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