Chapter 1: Luckless (Revised)

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The grandfather clock rung through out the room. It was messy, unkempt, and dusty. The bed reeked of sour sweat and Jericho looked silently at the ceiling. It was like reality was warping and felt as if it never existed.

His hair was cluttered, his smell made it obvious that he hasn't bathed at all, he was young about 16 years old, he eyes had bags and bloodshot. He got up but he felt incredibly sluggish, his head felt light but his body felt like dragging around a steel ball.

He left his room and went to the bathroom, when he went to urinate, he could feel his urethra expand and felt like ripping, no liquid came out except intestines and blood. He could feel his stomach grow lighter, he held his breath to not think about what was happening and as he finished, he gasped, closed the toilet lid and flushed.

He went to the sink to brush his teeth, he took three deep breaths even though he felt nauseous and took the toothbrush. He reassured himself over and over, repeatedly thinking 'It's going to be okay'.

He looked towards the mirror and saw his reflection, he first saw a face filled to the brim with blisters that popped and seeped out hardened oil, then it became a familiar but heavily deformed face, he blinked and saw his face melting, his chin merged with his chest, the cheeks looked caved in and ate, the mouth was spread wide open.

He closed his eyes started to brush his teeth swiftly but then he started to gag and he puked. He looked at the sink, it was blood, faeces, urine and food. He kept gagging but nothing came out, he rushed out the room and vomited on the floor.

Moments pass and he goes back to his room to try and change his clothes, he picked out his school unifotm and closed his eyes once again and tried to remove his clothes. The smell haunted him, his skin disgusted him, the look of his body was enough to make him nauseous once again. He was tired of it, vomiting everyday and feeling terrible everyday but it felt impossible to get out of his situation.

He finally wore the top of his school uniform, next was his bottom half, he tried to take off his shorts but whenever a hair folicle would touch his hands, it would attach and the hairs would grow longer and longer, thr friction on his pores caused burns and it eventually bled. He gave up and threw his uniform to the wall and he wept until he fell asleep.

The Last Straw.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ