80 | humiliating , dirty... naughty?

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S3 E3
sometimes a fantasy

"IZZIE'S BACK, THAT'S GOOD." Alex says, walking up to the nurse's station, where the three girl were eating Meredith's snacks. "Ooh, coffee cake."

"I'm dating." Meredith tells him, as Alex eats a piece.

He goes for another one, but Cristina grabs his arm.

"Touch that piece, lose a hand." She tells him, making Alex reach out with his other hand.

"Touch that one, you won't be able to touch anything else." Maddison grabs his other arm.

"Morning people." Bailey walk up to them in an upbeat mood. "Grey, Sloan, we're clearing the decks. I need you both writing discharge forms. Yang, you're with Doctor Shepherd. Karev, as usual, you're with Doctor Montgomery Shepherd in OBGYN. O'Malley, Doctor Torres has requested you today in Ortho."

"Was she smiling?" Cristina asks, as Bailey walks away.

"Izzie's back!" Alex says, as him and Cristina walk away.

"Doctor Torres has requested you?" George turns to Meredith and Maddison.

"Just tell her George." Meredith replies.

"Yeah, tell her you're not ready to move in together." Maddison nods. "You know, there's this thing called communication."

"And then try dating. Dating is fun."

"COME ON, MER." MADDISON TELLS the girl as they sip their coffees. "I am moving in with my boyfriend. I thought you would be happy for me!"

"I am." Meredith replies. "You know, what else I am happy with? My amazing morning coffee, stealing you clothes, shoes and makeup, and having someone to help me not kill my roommates."

"So, you like using me?" Maddison looks offended.

"Of course." Meredith tells her, making Maddison shrug, as if to say 'understandable'.

"I had to beg you for my underwear this morning, Mer." Maddison tells the girl. "You know how dirty that made me feel? Humiliating, dirty..." Maddison makes a face. "Naughty?"

The other two laugh.

"Just let her move." Cristina tells Meredith.

"Yeah, right." Meredith narrows her eyes at her. "You just want to steal her when her and McStunning break up."

"Did you just say when?" Maddison gives her an offended look.

"Oh, the stress of Muffin moving out has made you paranoid." Cristina rolls her eyes.

"Oh, really?" Meredith challenges.

"Fine." Cristina scoffs, raising her hands a little. "I would want her to move in with me after they broke up. But, like, you've had her all this time!"

"You guys are very sure about the break up, huh?" Maddison tells them.

"Exactly!" Meredith replies to Cristina, as the two girls ignore Maddison. "I need her more!"

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