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S3 E5oh, the guilt

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S3 E5
oh, the guilt

"CAUSE OF DEATH was an embolus that dislodged from the suture line and caused a CVA with brain stem herniation." Burke presents, and people raise their hands.

"So the company line is he died from a CVA?" A female doctor asks.

"There is no company line. That's how he died." Burke tells her.

"Let's get back to this patients need for emergent transplant." Another doctor speaks up. "You're saying the patient's left ventricle had been weakened by the LVAD malfunction?"

"His left ventricle was weakened by the fact that he had congestive heart failure." Burke replies.

"Please, Dr. Burke. We all know the LVAD was cut by an intern." Dr. Savoy calls out.

"The events remain unclear." Burke tells him.

"I'm going to my happy place..." George mutters.

"It's unclear to you 'cause you were in the ER with a gunshot wound. Why aren't we hearing from Dr. Bailey? She was the senior physician on the case." Savoy continues.

"I'm the attending on record." Burke replies.

"Yes, I was the resident in charge." Bailey stands up and walks to the podium. "Dr. Burke has summarized the medical facts of this case. Are there any questions for me?"

Almost all of the doctors raise their hands.

"YOU RECENTLY HAD A BABY, Dr. Bailey?" Savoy questions, making Maddison raise an eyebrow.

"I don't see what that has to do with-" Bailey replies.

"Sleep deprivation coupled with wild swings in hormone levels are factors that could cloud anyone's judgement." Savoy tells her.

"I sleep just fine, Dr. Savoy." Bailey glares at him.

"Really? Cause if a patient died due to my poor decision making, I'd lose a little sleep over it." Savoy comments.

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