17 - dinner

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The evening air was laced with anticipation as Charlotte and I found ourselves seated at a cozy table in the corner of an Italian restaurant. The dim lighting set the stage for an intimate experience, with music playing, just subtle enough to blend into the background of our conversation.

Charlotte, with a nervous excitement, tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear as she looked through the menu. My gaze, meanwhile, was fixed on her, the menu in my hands forgotten.

Our order was taken, and as we waited for our meal, the conversation flowed as freely as the wine.

"Your defense was really good at the game." Charlotte said.

"Thanks, Char." I chuckled.

Charlotte just gave me a small smile.

"So, how's fall ball going for lacrosse?" I asked.

"It's intense, but I'm loving it. I'm still trying to get that balance between class, photography, and the field. How about you and basketball?" Charlotte said.

"Same here, trying to balance basketball practice with studying. But hey, it's all about the game." I said.

"Yeah, that's true." Charlotte said.

"Honestly I don't think I could love anything more than basketball so that's my main focus right now."

Charlotte just smiled and nodded her head.

"So, how's Annie doing?" I questioned, honestly almost too afraid to even ask.

"She's doing better. We've been trying to just get out and do stuff so she's not focused on all the fucked up shit going on in her life."

"Well, that's good."

"Kate, you don't understand. All she does is cry and I know I have to be there for her since she's my best friend but she also just pisses me off. She literally cheated on him. I'm literally going to start a gofundme for my therapy."

I just laughed at Charlotte's last sentence.

"You're a good friend." I smiled. "But, if you need any help I'm always here."

"Kate, you're such a Kate."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean like, your name fits you perfectly." Charlotte smiled.

As the main course arrived, we found ourselves in a comfortable silence, the kind that felt like a warm blanket on a chilly evening. It was a moment of unspoken connection, a mutual understanding that this was the beginning of something special.

"So, any plans for tomorrow?" I asked.

"Honestly, just staying in bed all day and listening to Reneé Rapp."


"You don't know who Reneé Rapp is?"


"Is it warm under that rock?"

"Wait, so who is she?"

"It doesn't matter."

"No, if you like her, then I'm interested."

As the night deepened, Charlotte's laughter grew louder, her movements more reckless. With each glass of wine, the her cheeks flushed a rosy hue of carefree joy.

I noticed the change in tempo. I suggested a switch to water, but Charlotte, caught in the excitement of the evening, waved off my concerns with a giggle. Time slipped away, and so did Charlotte's usual behavior.

Eventually, the realization dawned on me that the evening was reaching a point that Charlotte might not even remember. I paid the bill, offering a supportive arm to Charlotte as we made our way out of the restaurant.

We were just on the way out until Charlotte's eyes locked onto a familiar figure across the room. Her smile disappearing for the first time that night.

Charlotte marched towards a table near the wall and I quickly followed behind her.

"Oh, hey Sophie!" Charlotte said, standing right in front of the table.

"Charlotte?" The strawberry blonde girl said.

"Oh my gosh, is this your sister?" Charlotte asked, meaning the girl that sat across from Sophie.

"What the fuck?" Sophie said, jaw dropped.

I grabbed Charlotte's arm, pulling her out of the restaurant and getting her into the car.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Nobody Kate, literally nobody."

I knew that was a lie, because everyone knew about Sophie and Charlotte. They had dated for a year and then Sophie broke Charlotte's heart. Charlotte literally wouldn't leave her dorm for a week straight.

I got Charlotte into the car, she chose to sit in the back. I drove and Charlotte sank into the backseat.

As we arrived at Charlotte's apartment I helped her inside, ensuring she was safe and sound.

"I'll call you in the morning." I said.

A silent vow to be there, not just for the laughter and the wine, but for all the moments in between.

author's note
10k reads!!! tysm
i'm so nervous abt kate getting waived😞
also i hate this chapter. how do i burn it..?

Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? - Kate MartinWhere stories live. Discover now