44 - scandal

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(irl + social media)

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(irl + social media)

The court was a blur of motion, squeaking sneakers and the pounding of the ball against the polished wood floor. I could feel the pulse of the game, the flow of energy as we fought for every point. My muscles were coiled, ready to spring into action at the slightest cue.

I stole a glance at the stands, searching for that one face. There she was, Charlotte, her eyes fixed on me, a silent promise of support. I couldn't help the grin that tugged at my lips.

Back to the game, the ball was in my hands. I dribbled, weaving through defenders. The hoop was ahead. I took the shot, the satisfying swish as it passed through the net.

The crowd erupted, a wave of cheers and applause, but all I heard was Charlotte's voice, rising above the rest. "That's my girl!" she shouted, pride lacing every word.

During halftime, I found her eyes again, her smile guiding me home. I jogged to the sidelines, where she stood waiting. "You're killing it out there," Charlotte said, her voice soothed my racing heart.

I leaned in, our foreheads touching for a fleeting second.

She laughed, her hand reaching out to squeeze mine. "Go show them what you're made of, Kate."

As the second half began, I carried her words with me.

The final buzzer sounded, a declaration of victory. We had won, but as I searched the stands and found Charlotte's face, I knew the true win was having her there, sharing the moment.


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iowawbb Another win for the Hawks! Picture by @charlotteobrien


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