54 - the end of an era

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(irl + social media)

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(irl + social media)

11 girls are being drafted into the National Women's Lacrosse League. Draft pick number one being me, Charlotte O'Brien.

The draft was full of countless voices speculating, anticipating. Since I was their number one pick, I was the name on every lip, the future of professional women's lacrosse. But as the clock ticked down, a different kind of clarity began to crystallize within me, a decision that veered off the expected path.

I chose education, a master's degree in psychology at UCLA. Lacrosse had been my world, but now, I was ready to explore new horizons.

"Kate," I said, my voice steady despite the butterflies dancing in my stomach. "I'm not entering the draft. I'm going to UCLA."

Her eyes, always so full of fire and fight on the court, softened with surprise. "But Char, you're at the top. You could have any team you want."

I nodded, feeling the weight and the freedom of my choice. "I know, but I want more than what's on the field. I want to help people in a different way."

Kate reached out, her hand enveloping mine, the familiar warmth a balm to my anxious heart. "I support you, no matter what. But what about us?"

A smile tugged at my lips. "I'll be taking mostly online classes. It means I can be wherever I need to be, and I want to be with you. UCLA is just a short flight from Vegas."

She squeezed my hand, her own smile breaking through. "You're serious? You'd do that?"

"Absolutely," I affirmed. "I won't let distance be the reason we can't make this work. I'll be there, cheering you on from the stands, studying between games. We're a team, Kate, in every sense of the word."

Kate pulled me into an embrace, and in her arms, I knew that while my journey was changing, the destination remained the same: a life of passion, purpose, and love.



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