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{05} 𖣔᯾ 𝙰𝚕𝚒 ᯾𖣔

For the first time in forever, I was genuinely terrified.

I'd been scared before: like when our pet tiger
- Rajah, had a teenager phase and wouldn't stop trying to bite down on our faces- but this was different.

She was alone in this place.

I arrived on the Isle with Ben, Evie, Jay and Carlos, but the more I looked around, the more I wanted this to be over with- the more I wanted to get Jazzy out.

"It's really weird being back here..." Evie mumbled as she looked around the garage we had parked the limo in.

"We'll get Jazzy and Mal and get out, okay?" Jay placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and she nodded.

Meanwhile, Ben was trying to talk to a homeless man sat against the wall, and in return got a growl from him.

"Ben! Seriously- this isn't a parade it's the Isle." Evie snapped, Carlos tugging the King away from the man.

I crossed my arms against my chest as Ben turned to me for help, "Listen to Evie." I answered simply.

She gave us the run-down on rules and how to avoid raising suspicion, which I was a natural at- probably because of my Dad's background in thieving and living on the streets, while Ben eventually got it after a few tries.

Evie led us down a few alleyways until we reached a building, "Here we go."

She picked up a rock and threw it at the sign above our heads, it creaked as it swung open and lifted the gate.

"Are they both up there?" Ben asked, looking at Evie.

She nodded, knowing it was the only place they'd go on the Isle.

"Wish us luck." I said as I walked towards the gate and started up the stairs with Ben right behind me.

"Bring her back." Jay added as he sat down and waited with Carlos and Evie.

My heart thrummed against my rib cage, what if she doesn't want to come home?

When I got to the top, they were both spray painting one of the many pieces of art on the walls of the hideout. Jazzy was crouched down doing red detailing to her heels in the painting and Mal was finishing Evie's sleeve.

"At least I don't see any photos of me and Ali with horns and pitchforks." Ben said, causing Jazzy to whip her head around.

My breath caught in my throat when I saw her.

She was back in her leather outfits, with her hair down and spilling over her shoulders. The Auradon look was gone and she was herself again.

"Ali." She mumbled, it was more like a breath out then a word, but the way she said it had my heart light up.

"Ben." Mal echoed Jazzy's words, both of their eyes darting between the two of us until Jaz's landed on me and Mal's landed on Ben.

"You can't be here." Jazzy said quickly, turning around and picking up her spray can.

"Jaz, don't be like that. I messed up, I know that- just please, come home." I was practically begging her, my hand stretched out to her with my ring inside it.

Agrabah loved Jazzy, their hatred for her and her father gone as soon as they all looked into her brown eyes. She wasn't Jafar. I knew that. Without her, I couldn't be Sultan.

Her eyes lingered on the gold jewellery in my hand, before she stepped forward and closed my hand.

"I am home, Ali. I know you don't think so but, it's true." She snapped, shaking the can of red spray paint in her hand and continuing on the wall.

Mal sighed at her friend and pulled Ben out of the room.

"Look, Jaz, I get it your pissed-"

"PISSED? I'm fucking fuming! You compared Auradon to the Isle and you have no idea what I've been through." She threw the spray can across the room and onto the bed with purple bedsheets which I assumed to be Mal's.

I could only study the hatred in her eyes as I opened my mouth speak, "Evie told me." It was a plea.

I know. Evie told me everything so please- come home so you don't have to go back to that life.

"She had no right-"

"She was worried about you! And so am I, I'm so sorry for fighting with you. It was all my fault, I know things have been hard on you." I reached forward to take her hand but she pulled them away instinctively.

"We brought the limo..." I tried, a small smile on my face as I studied her eyes with my own.

She didn't look angry anymore just- hurt.

She sighed, "I don't fit in, Ali. I tried but I'm not a princess. I don't- god, I don't wear tiaras- I don't say 'please' or 'thankyou'. And- if you think I can change, you're wrong."

"Then I'll change!" I said, "I'll skip school, I'll have more fun- I'll blow up someone's ride to cotillio-"

"No!" She interrupted, "See? I am such a terrible influence, it's only a matter of time before I do something so fucking messed up not only does Agrabah turn on me but they turn on you!"

I stepped forward, "Don't quit us, Jaz. Agrabah loves you- I love you."

Her eyes widened slightly, her lips parting as a small almost-inaudible gasp fled them.

"Don't you love me?..." I reached out and put my ring into the palm of her hand.

Her gaze dropped to it, studying it as she took it from her hand and smiled slightly.

"I have to take myself out of the picture, because it's what's best for you and it's what's best for Agrabah." Her smile dropped from her face as she placed the ring back into my hand.

I frowned, "No wait, Jaz-"

Defensively, she put her hands up in front of her, almost touching my chest.

It meant back off, and no unspoken words had hurt me more than those had.

At that moment, Mal walked into the room without Ben, her arms folded and a few tears pooled in her eyes.

"Ali, you should go." Jazzy said, turning sprung and picking up one of the spray paint cans on the floor and going back to their art.

When I didn't move she continued, "Ali, please go- please leave."

I don't say 'please'.

It turns out she did say please, but only when asking me to leave.

I swallowed my pride and nodded, turning around and walking past Mal to the door.

"You sure?" I heard Mal say to Jazzy behind me.

"He deserves Gigi, not me..." She says and I sigh before descending the stairs.

I came here to get her back, but now she's even further away.

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