Chapter One - The Peasant

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Ophelia awoke from her slumber to the drumming on footsteps in the great chamber, a familiar sound. It usually indicated that another peasant had snuck their way into the courtyard or climbed over the castle gate and had been captured by the guards. Unfortunately, as the Empress, it was Ophelia's job to deal with it.

Begrudgingly, she slipped out of bed and into her Minions (TM) slippers. They were yellow with big ugly eyes. She didn't know what a "minion" was, for the year was 960ad. The slippers had fallen out of a time vortex opened by the local hag, Iris Smith. Regardless of their origin, the slippers were very comfortable. Ophelia made her way down the winding spiral staircase and into the hall.

The door burst open, and in came two royal guards clutching what seemed to be a goblin. They threw it towards Ophelia, and it landed in a heap at her feet. Looking down, it became evident that the creature was not a goblin, but a human girl with short brown hair and a nose that seemed to have been hit by an enlargement hex. She looked up at her, adjusting the stained rag tied around her ribcage. Her eyes gleamed like sapphire orbs, Surrounded by scarlet seas.

"Your eyes are BRIGHT red, goblin."
Ophelia spat. She knew that the thing before her was human, but she had woken up in a bad mood.
"Haiii" said the girl, displaying her disfigured dental abomination of a month.
"I- I didn't break in, I sweeeaaarrrr... I just... I need some bread or something? Can I have some?"
It looked desperate.
"No, peasant." Ophelia uttered, kicking the girl in the head.
"Mmeerrrgggg!" The girl moaned, scampering off on all Fours.
"Never bring anyone like that near me EVER again!" She informed the guards.
They nodded in understanding.


Ophelia sat at the table eating breakfast.
Her father sat at the other end.
"Your cousin, Valora..." he began,
"...she's being married off to that Prince.. "
Ophelia didn't care at all.
She put down her bowl of rice krispies and walked out.


Authors note:
Yeah I get it, rice krispies weren't around. They FELL OUT OF THE TIME VORTEX. Any modern things mentioned fell out of the time vortex, okay?

Stay tuned for part 2, shit gets crazy fam.

The Fall Of An Empress - A Spin Off Of The Hit Story, 'The Rise Of The Empress'Where stories live. Discover now