Chapter 3 - The Local Hag

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Iris Smith was an enigmatic woman. Born to royalty, she abandoned the life of luxury and chose to pursue the ancient art of witchcraft. She spends most of her days casting spells and opening vortex portals.

On this particular day, she was wandering through the Dark Forest with her lover, Molly. Molly was a peasant, with sapphire eyes and short brown hair (yuppp she's the one from chapter 1).

High above, Ophelia and Plinky Pie were gliding above the forest. The impenetrable canopy made it difficult locate the hag.

Foolishly, the Hag casted a guidance jinx. She slammed her staff into the ground, causing cracks to form. They burrowed through the soil, carving a path that wound between tree trunks and around boulders. Its intention was to guide them out of the Dark Forest. From the cracks, purple light began to shine.

The light peirced the canopy, revealing their location to Ophelia. "Plinky Pie, go down mate" she said. Annbdddd guess what? Plinky pie went down. They landed in front of the peculiar duo. Iris raised her staff defensively, but Ophelia disarmed her with a flick of her cane. "Do not threaten me, Hag." She warned.
"Hag? Hark! What a display of misguided tomfoolery! I am the grand witch of Sloughsbury, and thou shall kneel before me, or I shall call down the wrath of God upon thee."
"Ohhh bitch stfu I am not in the mood" Ophelia barked, her eyebrows furrowing.

The peasant girl hissed, her hair standing up as if she had been electrocuted. "DONT TALK TO HER! SHES MINE!"



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