Chapter Five - Sorcery Defence Class

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-- this chapter is set 8 years before the current events of the fic --

Most people at Sloughsbury Manor School despised Professor Garlin. He was strict and cold. He would punish those who spoke out of turn, or forgot their weekend scrolls. During examinations, he would stalk up and down the rows of desks, analysing each individual's work to determine who would pass before they had even completed the tests. He had a real knack for that - for analysing people. Some said it was his third eye, perhaps it was magical? Others argued that the golden pocket watch that he kept in the front pocket of his crimson admiral's blazer - perhaps it was enchanted?

Ophelia did not care for these theories. She had no reason to. She had grown fond of Professor Garlin throughout the years. His strictness left no room for error on her part. She had his "Sorcery Defence" class at 2pm each Sunday, and his private combat tutoring at 8pm each Monday. He was an excellent fighter, skilled in every technique imaginable, but was particularly fluent in defence against magic.

"To defend oneself against magic..." he would tell the group, "one must learn simple hexes and protective spells."
The class would gasp and look around excitedly, marvelling at the concept that they would learn REAL magic. Ophelia did not react. Her father had already told her this. Protective magic was nothing special - a simple disarming hex or unravelling jinxx would do the trick. Most of her peers did not learn a single spell throughout their years of education. It took dedication, concentration and knowledge - three things that they all lacked. Ophelia often questioned why their parents would spend so much money sending them there if they were so very incompetent.

Once a month, a demonstration would take place. Professor Garlin would choose one student to enter the Eye (a glass globe upon a stage, held up by chains and surrounded by enchantments to ensure that magic demonstrations could not harm those outside of it). Once inside the Eye, the Professor would cast a minor version of a common attack spell, and the pupil would attempt to defend themself from it.

One particularly memorable demonstration was Ophelia's very first time being chosen. The spell used against her was an entanglement hex, a rather complex spell in comparison to those that her classmates were tasked with defending. Regardless, she was confident. Upon casting, Professor Garlin stepped back, and allowed the dark roots to sprout from the ground before him. They danced for a second, swaying as the suspended Eye did. Ophelia observed the small flicks and jerks of the appendages, calculating when they would strike.

Left flick.
Left flick.

It was preparing to strike.

Right flick.
It shot up towards her.

She was caught off-guard. Usually, the cycle would repeat before a strike. Professor Garlin looked towards her, disappointment spreading across his face. Her leg was tangled in the vines. Ophelia calmed herself down. She knew what to do.
She closed her eyes, imagining a blade slicing through the vines. She heard a loud cracking sound, and the stench of sulfur filled her nostrils. Looking down, she saw a small part of the vines retreating into the ground, and the rest of them laid at her feet, shrivelled and smoking.

The audience erupted in applause. Ophelia grinned out at them, feeling that familiar sense of pride. She looked back at Professor Garlin. A wide grin was plastered on his face. Strangely, his eyes almost seemed to gleem with confusion, and his eyebrows furrowed slightly. Ophelia looked away from him. He was still disappointed, but why was he trying to disguise it? From that moment, he treated her slightly differently.

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