Honeymoon: Day 1, Day 2

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The boat had finally arrived at Kalos. Docking at Ambrette Town.

"Here's our first stop. Ambrette Town, where amber dust dances." Yukiko smiled as they got off the boat.

"Amber dust?" Luffy asked.

"Yeah, it was once known for its aquarium until the discovery of Pokemon fossils nearby put it on the map. They even have a lab to revive them!" Yukiko said. "And a place called Glittering Cave where they let you treasure hunt."

"Really?! Let's do that!" Luffy cheered along with Moshi.

Yukiko gave Moshi as Exp Share as he was still young, so he can get stronger.

The cave walls are covered in Luminous Moss and crystals, illuminating the cave interior. Beautiful as they walked along the cave and even found a fossil, and a couple pearls to sell!

Luffy decided to take it with them, and Moshi was now at a good level to fight alone.

The fossil they got was a Helix Fossil, and Luffy got his second Pokémon, a female Omanyte he named Shelly.

It was an exciting first day!

The next day, they were off to Geosenge Town.

"Wow. So this is where the Ancient Weapon was?" Luffy asked.

"Yeah, it was then moved to Lysandre's headquarters, and he tried to use it on me after I beat him. But Yvetal and Xeranus saved me. We still don't know what happened to him, but he was under all that rubble.......But we didn't come here for anything gloomy. Up ahead is Reflection Cave. Many walls in the Reflection Cave are reflective like mirrors, thus explaining the origin of the cave's name. Due to these reflective surfaces, several Trainers facing the walls will be able to notice people walking behind them and challenge them to a battle." Yukiko explained.

The duo had a fun time looking at all the crystals there, and Luffy actually found a few Moon Stones and helped a baby Mime Jr. get back to its parents.

After getting through the cave, they made it to Shalour City, and in time as well because the people were having a festival dedicated to Luvdisc!

 The newlyweds spent time going around all the stalls, decorated in various shades of pink, trying all the foods.

And as the biggest event, everyone got onto their own boats, mostly couples, and the Luvdisc Migration started. As the sun set, it created a romantic atmosphere as the Luvdiscs energy turned the sea into a vivid pink. 

Luffy and Yukiko were even approached by a number of them, as it meant their relationship had a lot of love in their lives. 

They were also approached by a golden Luvdisc, which the locals say it was a sign that Luffy and Yukiko were destined soulmates. And that event occurs in Kalos once every fifty years!


Sorry its a little short, but I've been busy.
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