chapter 30: to the underwater temple

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The day after Noelle had learned her new spell that would be able to take her and the black bulls to the underwater temple, "The underwater temple is located in a strong magic region surrounded by strong mana currents, the only time when their at their weakest is when theres a full moon out" Yami said as the sun fully set, making it nightfall, "That day is today, I hope your all ready" he said looking at his squad mates who cheered. They were all standing on the beach.

"Alright underwater temple bring it on" said Asta cheerfully.

"Alright I'm all ready to go, lets do this" said Magna.

"I cant wait to see all the tasty food they have down there" said Charmy already holding up an empty plate.

"I cant wait to see if they have any strong people down there" said Luck looking excited.

"I wonder if they have any kind of rare drinks down there" said Vanessa looking excited as she rubbed a bottle against her face.

"Lets get this over with quickly so I can get back sooner" said Gauche with blood coming out of his nose.

"Yeah the sooner we get back I can get back to the beach babes" said Finral while Gray who was back to his big form breathed out smoke with his floaty on along with goggles and a tube that would help him breath from his mouth.

"Alright Noelle fire up that spell of yours" said Yami looking at the water magic user to see she had a nervous look on her face.

"Hey you feeling alright, your looking a little nervous" said Asta which got her out of her thoughts.

"Nervous, Why would I be nervous with everyone counting on me and Ive used the spell only once yesterday" she said trying to hide the fact that she was nervous.

"Listen were relying on you so get it done" said Yami as he stood in front of her with a scary look on his face, "So get it done otherwise not even your anti magic boyfriend will be able to save you" he said which made her look frightened.

Yami was then pulled away by greens thorns coming out of Rosas sword handle, "Try not to make our only means of getting there even more nervous Yami" she said sounding serious.

"My bad" said Yami calmly while Noelle stood in front of everyone as her grimoire floated in front of her.

"Water creation magic, sea dragons cradle" she said as a pool of water surrounded her feet and the other black bulls before covering them in a giant blue sphere with small water bubbles surrounding it.

"Alright" the black bulls cheered.

"I did it" said Noelle.

"Yeah accept theres one problem" said Asta looking like he was uncomfortable since Gray in his big form and was squishing everybody accept for Yami and Rosa.

"Cmon Gray just transform into someone smaller" said Magna looking annoyed.

Gray blew out smoke before his grimoire floated in front of him and he turned into Charmy, "There is that better" she said.

Noelle who was at the front looked to see Yami pat her on the head, "Looks like you pulled it off, now take us under" the black bulls captain said smiling.

"Yes sir" said Noelle looking determined while on the inside she was cheering, "He complimented me" she thought.

"Yeah I knew you could do it Noelle" said Asta smiling as the water sphere moved over the water before going under it. As they moved under the water they could see the sea floor as well as some of the fish swimming around.

"Incredible, its like were flying underwater" said Finral looking impressed while the two Charmys next to him were drooling.

"Some of those fish look really tasty" said Charmy.


"Yeah they do" said Gray (Charmy).

"Look Marie were moving underwater" said Gauche who was holding up a mirror that showed Marie smiling, "Hey Noelle move us a little closer to the fish, Marie wants to see them" he said.

"Sorry but it doesn't work like that" said Noelle when the image of Marie on the mirror turned to static before vanishing.

"What no, please come back, I cant live without the sight of you" said Gauche looking at mirror while sounding worried.

"This spell truly is amazing, you've done well Noelle" said Rosa sounding impressed as she floated next to her. The mask wearing black bull then looked ahead as they could all see multiple underwater tornados.

"What is this place" said Magna looking surprised.

"Looks like were in the strong magic region now" said Yami who was lying back at the back of the water sphere as it moved between the water tornados, making it shake.

"This is when their at their weakest" said Magna looking worried.

"Wow you must be really scared given that you use fire magic" said Luck smiling.

"What are you talking about Ive never been scared in my life" Magna said looking annoyed by the lighting magic users comment.

"Come on Noelle you can do it, if you cant do it no one can" Asta and the two Charmys said cheering her on for her to get them out of this situation.

"Would you quiet down I need to concentrate" she said looking annoyed back at the three of them as she focused on moving the sphere between the tornados when they suddenly got clear of them.

When they made it to the other side there was a certain glow to the area, even around the fish, "Hey why are those fish glowing" Asta asked looking confused?

"This feeling coming off of them, its definitely magic" said Finral as a fish with a blue glow surrounding it swam by, "The mana in the area must have made them evolve".

"I wonder if the magic evolved their tase too" said Charmy holding up a knife and fork.

"Theres only one way to find out" said Gray (Charmy) also holding up a knife and fork when Magna picked the two of them up from the back of their robes.

"Are you crazy you cant go out there and Gray we don't need another bottomless pits" he said looking annoyed at the two of them when they reached a large water dome covered with whirlpools.

"The underwater temple must be through there" said Rosa.

"My spell wont be able to make it through that" said Noelle looking annoyed.

"Looks like your up kid, give that thing a slash with that sword of yours" said Yami looking at Asta who was looking at the outside.

"Captain Yami theres something I've realized over the last few days, this was my first trip to the beach and I don't really know how to swim that well" said Asta looking back at his captain with a nervous smile on his face.

Yami then picked Asta up from the back of his black bulls robe, "Suck it up you've got to get this done" he said as he put magic power into his hand.

"Wait hang on I need to do this at my own time" said Asta looking worried.

"Well I'm the captain and I say my time is your time, so go" Yami said with a threatening look on his face as he threw Asta out of the water sphere into the water outside, making him scream before closing his mouth.

Asta pointed his big ant magic sword forward and he hit the water dome making a hole in it as he fell through to the other side. He fell on flat surface and when he stood back up he looked to see large structures up ahead. A tall orange building was the furthest one away.

anti magic and water magic (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora