chapter 119: Gordons family

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The next morning at the black bulls hideout Yami was talking with Gordon, "I can never go back home," Gordon said.

"Creepy, Charlotte brought you up yesterday and your family are well known curse mages," Yami said, "Could be a chance they could help you find the evidence we need to clear Astas name,".

"A chance to clear my friends name," Gordon said before looking at the doll of Asta in his hand, "If that's what it takes then I will go," he said.

Much later Gordon was on his broom flying towards his home, "Curse mages are known for causing pain and hurting others, I didn't want any of that and wanted to make friends," he thought thinking back to when he was a child and would hide instead of talking to the other kids.

"As soon as I left I never looked back," Gordon said, "But when I wrote to them when Astas arms were badly injured they didn't' respond and now Im heading back," he thought.

"Would you please be careful, Im hanging on here" Asta said from behind him. The anti magic user was holding onto Gauches broom and Gauche was standing on it.

"Quit your complaining already," Gauche said.

"You know what I can handle it, its great training," Asta said while Nero, in her bird form was resting on his head.

"Well get use to it, the only one other person allowed on this broom with me is Marie," Gauche said.

"Can we please hurry up and get there already," Grey said while hiding her face on her own broom.

"But I have my friends with me and they make me feel strong," Gordon thought.

"Hey just so you all know I really appreciate you all helping me out," Asta said.

"Well it wasn't really a choice," Gauche said.


"Gordons heading home to find out what he can and Noelles gone off to the capital," Yami said, "You look like you could rub the sleep out of your eyes so go help your pal," he said looking at Grey and Gauche.

Flashback end

"Talk about an abuse of power," Gauche thought.

"Hey Gordon I don't know a lot about your family, what actually is a curse mage," Asta said.

"Curse mages are known for using their magic for inflicting pain on others and I didn't want to be like that," Gordon said, "I actually haven't been home in a long time," he said.

"So you think they'll actually help us?" Gauche asked.

"I think we should be careful," Gordon said.

"Your saying we could get cursed by a total stranger," Grey said.

"That's not what you should be worried about," Gauche said as they continued flying. They eventually stopped in front of a large house with a small wall around it. There were also trees with no leafes on them.

"I want to go home," Asta, Gauche and Grey thought looking nervous.

"Alright lets go," Gordon said opening the gate and they headed to the front door. When they reached the door Gordon knocked, "Father its me, Ive come home," he said and after a few moments the door opened.

Four people stood in front of them and when the other black bulls saw them they looked surprised, "What," Asta said.

"They almost look all the same," Gauche thought. Like Gauche they had the same skin colour and had black circles around their eyes.

"Gordon, you've finally come home," the man said.

"Welcome home dear," the woman behind the little girl said.


"Ive missed you big brother," she said.

"They mutter like Gordon too," Gauche thought noticing they were all speaking quietly.

"Everyone this is my father Nathan, my mother Joanne, my sister Roxanne, my grandmother Nilenia," Gordon said when a dog bit on the back of Astas shirt.

"Ow," he said as the dog wouldn't let go and Gordons family started calling out for it to stop.

"Don't come over here in a group," Gauche said while Grey stood behind him. Gordon then grabbed the dog which was white and had a black spot around its right eye.

"Sorry, your not hurt right," he said.

"No Im okay," Asta said.

"This is our dog Nunnally," Gordon said holding the dog up.

"Even the dog looks similar," Gauche thought.

"Father Ive come back to ask you about something," Gordon said looking at his father.

"Its late and we weren't expecting guests, you should join us for dinner," Nathan said.

"Yes please join us for dinner," Joanne said.

A few minutes later they were all sitting at the table eating food. Gauche and Grey were creeped out by its appearance, "This is uncomfortable," Gauche thought while Asta was eating his food without complaining.

"Man at first this looked disgusting but its actually really delicious," he said while Nero looked calm on his head.

Gordons sister then handed Grey something while muttering, "Oh you want to give me something," Grey said but when she saw the small round thing she looked creeped out.

"Is that you Nathan, you look so young," Gordons grandmother said looking Gauche.

"Somethings wrong with her," he thought.

"Come on mother I think its time for bed," Joanne said as she began to lead her out of the room. A few moments later Roxanne left with the dog and most of the black bulls just sat silently.

"Father I know I abandoned this home and this family, but I have a friend now and they need my help or something awful will happen to them," Gordon said looking serious, "So will you tell me what you know about forbidden curses,".

"Sure," Nathan said.

"That was quick," Asta thought before Nathan got up from his chair.

"Come with me and I will show you the centuries of knowledge this family has," he said. He lead them to a small room with sharp tools and Jars. There was also a skull on the table.

"Ahh," Grey said.

"Amazing isn't it, this is my research lab where I look into every kind of pain there is," Nathan said looking at the black bulls.

"I knew curse mages was bad, but I wasn't expecting something like this," Gordon said.

"I wasn't unhappy with your return Gordon but happy because you are the perfect person to continue my research," Nathan said.

"No I only came here to help my friend Asta, just what is a human life to you father," Gordon said.

"Human life is fleeting and fragile, here let me show you," Nathan said as his grimoire came out.

"Get back," Asta said as he took out his own girmoire and took out the demon slayer sword.

"Black oil magic, filled nails," Nathan said shooting out Nails which Asta cut through before another one touched his neck.

"Asta," his fellow black bulls said.

"Wait, Im fine," Asta said before Nathan pulled the nail away and looked at it.

"Your temperature is rather high but im detecting nothing wrong with your body," Nathan said before making the nail vanish, "The only thing Im wondering about is that you have no magic,".

"Father I don't understand," Gordon said.

"Well you see Ive taken our family's research on pain and used my own research with germs to help with medical treatment," Nathan said, "Though im only able to help cure normal diseases and that's why I wasn't' able to help when Gordon wrote about your arms," he said.

"Wait so your family actually uses their magic to help people," Asta said.

"Yes but this only began with my generation," Nathan said.

"I see I had no idea, I thought you were only using it to hurt people," Gordon said.

"You people need to learn to communicate better," Gauche said.

"Yeah or else you could give people the wrong idea," Grey said with her hands covering her face.

"I see," Nathan said.

"So does this mean you'll help my friend," Gordon said.

"Of course, but I don't know much about devils so will focus on your own unique situation," Nathan said looking at Asta.

"Right," he said looking determined.

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